Alternative 10MHz oscillator for Philips/Fluke PM6665 and PM6666 frequency counters.
Created with KiCAD ver. 7.0.11
- fuse/PTCC
- Vref with trim-pot for fine tune (Vc xtal: 0-4V)
- DC-DC conv (12V-to-5V)
- LCD-backlight power & trim-pot
- jumper to choose always-on or power-switch
- SMA and Vref test-point
- 4 mount holes for alternative use
- status LED after fuse/DC-DC conv.
- temp.sensor under/near OCXO (LM35/DS18b20)
- Window-comparator with warm/cold LED indicator
- filter/circuit to convert square to sine-wave
- freq. divider
- currently usable OCXO: CTI OSC5A2B02 / NDK ENE3311B
- allow multiple footprints to fit other OCXO (ISOtemp/Vectron)
- Pk-Pk voltage from OCXO to high, need 470 load resistor
- change diameter hole for OCXO (0.8mm is to narrow)
- update/correct footprint thp Elco's (47uF & 100uF)
- improv. Vref tuning (20-turn trim-pot?)
- add solder-jumper to seperate 10MHz signal (antenne!)
- power-on LED at better location
- update part marking (pin.1, +, etc)
MHz.kHz.Hz 010.000.000 123.456.789
- ADR4540 4.096V 2ppm Vin: 4.2 - 15V
- LM4140 4.096V 3ppm Vin: 5V
- LT1019-5 5.000V 5ppm
- LT1021 5.000V 5ppm Vin: >10V
- MAX874 4.096V 20ppm Vin: 4.3 - 20V
- MAX6070AAUT 4.096V 6ppm Vin: 4.3 - 5.5V
- MAX6194A 4.500V 5ppm Vin: 5 - 12.6V
- MAX6198A 4.096V 2ppm Vin: 5 - 12.6V
- MAX6241 4.096V 5ppm Vin: 8 - 36V
- MAX6341 4.096V 2.5ppm Vin: 8 - 36V
- MAX6250BESA 5.000V 7ppm
- REF5040 4.096V 3ppm Vin: 4.3 - 18V