This repository contains all the projects I have completed at 42 Lisboa, including both the Common Core and Piscine projects.
Project | Description | Status |
Libft | Creating your own function library | ✅ 125% |
ft_printf | Implementation of some features of the Printf function | ✅ 100% |
get_next_line | Creating a function to return a line read from a file | ✅ 125% |
Born2beroot | Creating and administrating your own virtual machine server | ✅ 110% |
push_swap | Creating a complex sorting algorithm | ✅ 125% |
minitalk | Communicating between processes using binary signals | ✅ 125% |
so_long | 2D Graphic project using minilibx library | ✅ 120% |
Philosophers | Multithreading and multiprocess concepts | ✅ 125% |
minishell | Recreating a small version of bash | ✅ 110% |
cub3d | Recreating a Wolfenstein-like 3D game using raycasting | ✅ 125% |
netpractice | Networking practice project | ✅ 100% |
cpp-modules | C++ practice modules | 🔄 ongoing |
This repository serves as a backup and showcase of my work at 42 Lisboa. It is now organized and ready for review.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions!
- Email:
- LinkedIn: Gonçalo Fontão de Carvalho
Thank you for visiting my repository!