This is a solution to the Country Page - WorldRanks.
Quite often, as a developer, you will have to work with a larger amount of data. In this challenge, you will work with a more complicated set of data of countries and display it in a table.
User Stories:
- Create a country ranking page that matches the given design.
- By default, users can see a list of all countries sorted by population.
- Users can choose to sort by name alphabetical order or population or area (km²).
- Users can choose to filter by multiple regions, the regions can be Americas, Antarctic, Africa, Asia, Europe, or Oceania.
- Users can choose to filter countries that are members of the United Nations.
- Users can choose to filter countries that are independent.
- Users can filter/search for countries by their names, regions or subregions.
- Users can see the total number of countries.
- Users can select a country and see more details on a country page.
- On the country page, users can see info like population, area, capital,....
- On the country page, users can see the neighboring countries.
- On the country page, when users select a neighboring country, it should redirect to the according country page.
Deploy the solution and submit Repository URL and Demo URL.
Global state on client-side is managed with ContextAPI.-
- Linkedin - Gonzalo