Jupiter 5 Child Theme --> @goodyis
TAGS: Jupiter, Jupiter 5, Jupiter 5.9.2, Jupiter Child, Jupiter Child Theme, Child Theme, Wordpress, Wordpress Child Theme
- You will not receive a copy of the theme from me; do not ask.
- I do not provide support for the parent theme, and/or customizations.
- I am not affiliated, nor do I contract for Artbees - the maker of the Jupiter Theme.
- Changes listed below
You will need to manually update any files you copy/alter to your child theme if theme gets an update
- Depending on the theme update, you may not have to change anything.
The 'parent' theme folder is only on here, to further illustrate that you will need to alter it a tiny bit.
The 'child' theme folder is not a complete customization; it provides a foundation for working is all.
- This can be done either by clicking the download button here on the repo
- You will get the FULL zip file, you will then need either zip the child folder itself for uploading or ftp that folder
- You could go to the release tab, and download the zip that only contains the child theme folder
- Use this option if you intend on installing the child-theme via the wordpress GUI
AFTER a success install/copy of the child-theme into your project, edit the parent themes function.php
- In YOUR parent theme, the following change(s) will need to be made:
- You will need to add a check if the 'Theme' Class exists
- You will need to ensure that you close the if statement properly
- You will want to enclose the entire
class Theme { ... }
inif (! class_exists('Theme')) { ... }
$theme = new Theme(true);
"theme_name" => "Jupiter",
"theme_slug" => "JP",
if (!isset($content_width)) {
$content_width = 1140;
if (! class_exists('Theme')) {
class Theme
public function __construct($check = false)
if ($check) {
} // theme_options
} // end Theme Class
} // end if exists
// for wp security
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');