There are two ways to use this library.
As a node module, you can simply require the package. Passing the process
global object allows the program to load AWS_REGION and AWS_BUCKET from your configured environment variables.
export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
export AWS_BUCKET=tc2-waterlevels.sync
var client = require( "waterlevels.client" ).default( process );
await client.listProviders(); // => [ "" ];
import clientFactory from "waterlevels.client";
const client = clientFactory( process );
await client.listProviders(); // => [ "" ];
In the browser you need to pass the configuration details by hand as shown below
(ES6 e.g. webpack)
import clientFactory from "waterlevels.client";
const config = { env: { AWS_REGION: "eu-west-1", AWS_BUCKET: "tc2-waterlevels.sync" } };
const client = clientFactory( config );
await client.listProviders(); // => [ "" ]
Return a list of data providers for which data has been gathered in the waterlevels.sync store.
Returns Array<string>
await client.listProviders(); // => [ "" ]
Return a list of days for which data is stored for a particular provider. Optionally including a range of dates to query.
- provider
- startDay
(optional) - endDay
Returns Array<string>
await client.listDays( "", "2019-01-01", "2019-06-30" );
Returns all the data from a particular provider on a particular day
- provider
- day
Returns: Array<object>
await client.getData( "", "2019-02-19" )
id: '/0000036091/0001/2340',
name: 'Ballinacur',
date: '2019-02-19T18:45:00.000Z',
coordinates: [ -7.693641, 54.056571 ],
value: 1.374,
extractionId: ''
id: '/0000036091/OD/2341',
name: 'Ballinacur',
date: '2019-02-19T18:45:00.000Z',
coordinates: [ -7.693641, 54.056571 ],
value: 53.041,
extractionId: ''
id: '/0000036091/0003/2343',
name: 'Ballinacur',
date: '2019-02-19T18:30:00.000Z',
coordinates: [ -7.693641, 54.056571 ],
value: 11.03,
extractionId: ''
id: '/0000036091/0002/2342',
name: 'Ballinacur',
date: '2019-02-19T18:30:00.000Z',
coordinates: [ -7.693641, 54.056571 ],
value: 8.497,
extractionId: ''
Gets the raw extraction data used to create a given data item
- extractionId
Returns: string
const data = await client.getData( "", "2019-02-19" );
// get extractionId from first data item
const extractionId = data[ 0 ].extractionId;
// get raw extract
const extract = await client.getExtract( extractionId );
"{"crs":4326,"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-8.238554,53.361687]},"type":"Feature","id":990,"properties":{"url":"/0000026007/0002/","csv_file":"/data/month/26007_0002.csv","":"Bellagill","value":16.16,"datetime":"2019-06-23 14:00:00+00:00","sensor.ref":"0002","station.ref":"0000026007","station.region_id":2,"err_code":99}},{"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-8.238554,53.361687]},"type":"Feature","id":841,"properties":{"url":"/ . . .