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/ gke-cloud-dns-tls Public archive

Helping you integrating GKE with Cloud DNS and (optionally) exposing workloads using TLS.


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Integrate GKE with Cloud DNS and expose workloads using TLS

Instructions in this repository help you integrating GKE with Cloud DNS and (optionally) exposing workloads using TLS.

For TLS, sample code and instructions make use of cert-manager and of a custom mutating webhook. This way, TLS certificates are associated to new pods and deployments.

What you can do with this repository

Quick HowTo

For requirements, jump to the section below.


# Enable APIs
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

# Deploy a sample GKE cluster
gcloud beta container clusters create gke-dns-test \
  --cluster-dns clouddns \
  --cluster-dns-scope vpc \
  --cluster-dns-domain gke-dns.test \
  --num-nodes 1 \
  --machine-type n2-standard-4 \
  --enable-ip-alias \
  --max-pods-per-node 110 \
  --network svc-net \
  --subnetwork svc-sub-ew1 \
  --zone europe-west1-b \
  --project ${PROJECT}

# Download the cluster credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-dns-test \
	--zone europe-west1-b \
	--project ${PROJECT}

You can already deploy the sample application. This is exposed through a headless service, so that the service name is registered in Cloud DNS and reachable from your VPC and other resources connected to it

kubectl apply -f app1.yaml

The application is exposed with NO TLS certificates, unless those get exposed by the application itself. The next steps are used to integrate cert-manager and automatically expose certificates.

# Deploy cert-manager
helm repo add jetstack

helm repo update

helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --create-namespace \
  --version v1.8.0 \
  --set installCRDs=true

# Create a self-signed cluster issuer, a CA and a CA cluster issuer
kubectl apply -f cert-manager.yaml

# Build and push the webhook container
cd webhook-src
docker build -t ${DOCKER_REPO}/webhook-gke-dns-test .
docker push ${DOCKER_REPO}/webhook-gke-dns-test
cd ..

# Request the webhook certificate
kubectl apply -f webhook-certificate.yaml

# Set the value of clientConfig.caBundle in
# webhook-configuration.yaml with the CA certificate base64.
# You can get the value with the following command:
kubectl get secret webhook-tls \

# Deploy the configmap with the Nginx sidecar containers config
kubectl apply -f webhook-nginx-configmap.yaml

# Make DOCKER_REPO match in webhook-pod.yaml with
# your Docker repository and deploy the webhook
kubectl apply -f webhook-pod.yaml

# Deploy the webhook configuration
kubectl apply -f webhook-configuration.yaml

# Label the default namespace so that the webhook
# automatically injects sidecar containers
kubectl label namespace default tls-injection=true

# Request a sample application certificate
kubectl apply -f app1-certificate.yaml

# Remove (if created before) and deploy the sample app
kubectl apply -f app1.yaml


The instructions assume you have:

  • A GCP project setup, where you have high privileges (i.e. owner or the minimum permissions to perform the actions in this readme)
  • The following tools installed on your machine: docker, gcloud, helm and kubectl

Use cases

This is especially useful if you want to expose your GKE services and you don't want/need to configure a Kubernetes ingress, and neither expose an Internal Load Balancer for each of the services exposed.

A possible, relevant use case is when you need to expose GKE backends behind Apigee. Apigee can take care of L7 routing decisions, while GKE only exposes the services, optionally with end-to-end TLS.

The Mutating Admission Webhook Configuration

The mutating webhook actually deploys the sidecar in namespaces labeled with tls-injection=true. You can modify the default behavior, editing webhook-configuration.yaml

Known Limitations

  • When integrating GKE, Cloud DNS uses a default TTL of 10 seconds. If a pod goes down clients may still have the DNS entry in cache and try to connect to the dead pod
  • When integrating GKE with Cloud DNS, the number of queries may increase and additional costs may apply

What's Next

As always, contributions are welcome! Here are few topics that you may be interested in:

  • We'll discuss this with the GKE/Cloud DNS/Apigee teams to see if this PoC makes sense and can have follow ups.

  • Verify/automate the integration with Apigee

  • Integrate alternative sidecar containers reverse proxies (for example Envoy, Apache HTTPD)

  • The mutating admission webhook can be modified or extended, thus making it more reliable and augmenting its functions.

  • Is there a way to better automate all this?

  • Testing (Python unit tests, Terraform, GitHub actions for continuous testing)

Useful Links


Helping you integrating GKE with Cloud DNS and (optionally) exposing workloads using TLS.




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