Directory structure for sample golang project development.
There are several ways to use it.
$ vi app.debug.json
$ go run main.go bindata.go # To avoid syntaxx error only. (bindata.go only used in release mode)
# Update setting
$ cp app.mode.json.example app.release.json
$ vi app.release.json
# Build & distribute
$ go-bindata -o bindata.go setting/ # generate bindata.go that is load for release mode which will never be changed
$ export GIN_MODE=release
$ "go build && ./skeleton" OR "go run main.go bindata.go"
# Optional
$ scp skeleton xx@xx.xx.xx.xx:/dist/
$ vi setting/app.release.json
$ dkc -f docker-compose-from-src.yml up -d --build --force-recreate
# Update and push to release/prod branch trigger actions
$ vi .github/workflows/go.yml
# On remote server
$ cd skeletonApi/dist
$ dkc -f docker-compose-from-dist.yml up -d --build --force-recreate
Support global CORS middleware.
Support global Request Rate limit middleware.
Support config set by Viper in config/
Support load setting/ value into build binary by Working with bindata.go
Support production ready Docker environment out of box.
Support migration in migrate.go
main.go ->
route/api.go ->
app/http/xx.go ->
app/repository/xxxRepo.go <- app/model/xxx.go
<- config/database.go