Distributed WebSocket and HTTP Load Testing Framework in Go
Properly setup $GOPATH
go get github.com/gorilla/websocket
go get github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart
go get -v github.com/gophercarrot/carrot
Go to $GOPATH/go/src/github.com/gophercarrot/carrot and run
go run cmd/main.go
go run main.go -host=example.com -protocol=wss -htime=40 -request=5000 -wtime=1 -htime=30 -path=/somepath
wtime -> number of seconds to wait before writing to websockets
htime -> number of milliseconds to wait before creating new websocket connection
currentTest := &carrot.Base{"example.com", "wss", 1000, msg, 2, 30}
wss -> protocol use 'ws' for localhost
1000 -> number of requests
msg -> payload to send
2 -> number of seconds to wait before writing to websockets
30 -> number of milliseconds to wait before creating new websocket connection