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Astro Architecture Solution Template for .NET8

This is a solution template for creating ASP.NET Core Web API that puts together CQRS + DDD (Domain Driven Design) and Vertical Slice architecture.

It uses AstroCQRS for zero-setup CQRS and Vertical Slice architecture.


I often read on how CQRS and Vertical Architecture is an overkill and has big configuring overhead. This template proves it can be literary zero-setup. It also

  • easy to start / zero-setup
  • keep simple structure
  • enforce consistency
  • testibility

Project structure

  • Api - thin API layer using Minimal API
  • Handlers - class library where all query and command handlers live
  • Domain - all domain entities and domain services
  • Infrastructure - persistence setup, sending emails etc
  • Core - common stuff with no major dependecies

Installation & Running

  1. The project creates SQLite database on the runtime, go to AstroArchitecture.Core.Constants.ConnectionStrings and set the desired location of your SQLite. Use location the runtime can write to.

  2. Once launched it will pop up swagger page: /swagger/index.html


  1. Create a GET endpoint
app.MapGetHandler<ListOrders.Query, ListOrders.Response>("/orders.list");
  1. Create a handler 👇
public static class ListOrders
    public sealed record Query() : IQuery<IHandlerResponse<Response>>;

    public sealed class Response(IReadOnlyCollection<Order> orders)
        public IReadOnlyCollection<OrderListModel> Orders { get; private set; } = orders.Select(OrderListModel.Create).ToList();

    public sealed class Handler(IHandlerContext context) : QueryHandler<Query, Response>(context)
        public override async Task<IHandlerResponse<Response>> ExecuteAsync(Query query, CancellationToken ct)
            var orders = await DbContext.Orders
                .Include(x => x.Customer)
                .Include(x => x.Items)

            return Success(new Response(orders));

... and that's it! 🙌

  1. Create a POST endpoint 👇
app.MapPostHandler<CreateProduct.Command, CreateProduct.Response>("/products.create");
  1. Create a handler 👇
public static class CreateProduct
    public sealed record Command(string Name, decimal Price, int Stock) : ICommand<IHandlerResponse<Response>>;
    public sealed record Response(int ProductId);

    public sealed class CommandValidator : Validator<Command>
        public CommandValidator()
            RuleFor(x => x.Name)

            RuleFor(x => x.Price)

            RuleFor(x => x.Stock)

    public sealed class Handler(IHandlerContext context) : CommandHandler<Command, Response>(context)
        public override async Task<IHandlerResponse<Response>> ExecuteAsync(Command command, CancellationToken ct)
            var product = new Product(command.Name, command.Price, command.Stock);
            await DbContext.Products.AddAsync(product, ct);
            await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(ct);

            return Success(new Response(product.Id));

... and that's it! 🙌

  1. Unit test your handler 👇
public class CreateProductTests
    private static CreateProduct.Handler GetHandler(ApplicationDbContext dbContext)
        return new CreateProduct.Handler(HandlerContextFactory.GetHandlerContext(dbContext));

    private static void SetTestData(ApplicationDbContext dc)
        var products = new List<Product> {
            new("Cyberpunk 2077", 24.2m, 100),
            new("Dune: Spice Wars", 19.99m, 100),
            new("Starcraft 2: ", 0.99m, 100),


    public async Task Create_Product_ReturnProductId()
        var dc = InMemoryDbContextFactory.Create();

        var productName = "Doom: Eternal";

        var command = new CreateProduct.Command(productName, 6.66m, 666);

        var expectedName = productName;
        var expectedCount = 4;

        var response = await GetHandler(dc).ExecuteAsync(command, default);


        var result = dc.Products.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == response.Payload.ProductId);
        var actualCount = dc.Products.Count();

        Assert.Equal(expectedName, result.Name);
        Assert.Equal(expectedCount, expectedCount);

    public void Create_Product_ReturnNameTooShort()
        var dc = InMemoryDbContextFactory.Create();

        var command = new CreateProduct.Command("", 6.66m, 666);

        Assert.ThrowsAsync<ArgumentException>(async () => await GetHandler(dc).ExecuteAsync(command, default));

More usages:

Check samples here: AstroCQRS

More info: Building .NET 8 APIs with Zero-Setup CQRS and Vertical Slice Architecture


Here are things I want to add to this repo:

  • UI example
  • Blzor example
  • MVC example
  • Integration test example
  • Benchmarks


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Questions, feature requests


Astro Architecture Solution Template .NET8






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