Creates an entire environment within its own VPC on AWS to stream data from a MariaDB RDS instance to Kafka using Debezium with Avro serialization. Apicurio provides a schema registry for the data.
- Creates a MariaDB RDS instance
- Uses AWS Secrets Manager to store RDS access details
- Generates some sample data in the Mariadb database
- Creates a Kafka cluster using AWS MSK
- Creates an EC2 instance with Debezium to replicate a table in the RDS instance to Kafka
- Installs the Apicurio schema registry for Apache Avro serialization
- Prepare an AMI using Packer
- Deploy the infrastructure
- Debezium
- Schema registry
- Security
- Infrastructure cost
You will need to create the Debezium AMI first, using Packer.
Update `packer/variables.json to include your AWS credentials profile name, preferred region and instance size. Then run the following commands to Validate the file and Build an AMI that Terraform can use:
packer validate --var-file=variables.json debezium_instance.json
packer build --var-file=variables.json debezium_instance.json
Takes around 6 minutes.
Once your AMI has been created, you can run Terraform to create the necessary infrastructure.
First, create a terraform.tfvars file with the following values that are used to find your AMI and allow SSH acccess:
my_ip_address = ""
aws_account_id = "01234567890"
Run Terraform:
terraform init
terraform apply
Debezium and the connector to the database should start automatically. To confirm, SSH in to the instance and use the following Curl statements to confirm:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8083/connectors
curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors -d @connector.json
Schemas will be created in Apicurio schema regitry automatically by Debezium
Powered by TFsec
modules downloaded 0
modules processed 1
blocks processed 53
files read 19
passed 33
ignored 0
critical 0
high 4
medium 0
low 1
33 passed, 5 potential problem(s) detected.
Powered by Infracost
Project: gordonmurray/terraform_rds_debezium_msk_kafka
Name Monthly Qty Unit Monthly Cost
├─ Data ingested Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.57 per GB
├─ Archival Storage Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.03 per GB
└─ Insights queries data scanned Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0057 per GB
├─ Database instance (on-demand, Single-AZ, db.t4g.micro) 730 hours $12.41
├─ Storage (general purpose SSD, gp2) 20 GB $2.54
└─ Additional backup storage Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.095 per GB
├─ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, t3.small) 730 hours $16.64
└─ root_block_device
└─ Storage (general purpose SSD, gp2) 10 GB $1.10
├─ Customer master key 1 months $1.00
├─ Requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.03 per 10k requests
├─ ECC GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
└─ RSA GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
├─ Customer master key 1 months $1.00
├─ Requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.03 per 10k requests
├─ ECC GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
└─ RSA GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
├─ Customer master key 1 months $1.00
├─ Requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.03 per 10k requests
├─ ECC GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
└─ RSA GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
├─ Customer master key 1 months $1.00
├─ Requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.03 per 10k requests
├─ ECC GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
└─ RSA GenerateDataKeyPair requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.10 per 10k requests
└─ Instance (kafka.t3.small) 2,190 hours $109.28
├─ Secret 1 months $0.40
└─ API requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k requests
├─ Secret 1 months $0.40
└─ API requests Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k requests
38 cloud resources were detected:
∙ 10 were estimated, 5 of which include usage-based costs, see
∙ 28 were free:
∙ 8 x aws_security_group_rule
∙ 3 x aws_route_table_association
∙ 3 x aws_security_group
∙ 3 x aws_subnet
∙ 2 x aws_secretsmanager_secret_version
∙ 1 x aws_db_option_group
∙ 1 x aws_db_parameter_group
∙ 1 x aws_db_subnet_group
∙ 1 x aws_internet_gateway
∙ 1 x aws_key_pair
∙ 1 x aws_msk_configuration
∙ 1 x aws_route
∙ 1 x aws_route_table
∙ 1 x aws_vpc