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[tip] using PyInstaller

Gord Thompson edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 1 revision

SQLAlchemy's mechanism for loading third-party dialects appears to be incompatible with PyInstaller's default bundling of modules. If we have a "" consisting of

import sqlalchemy_access as sa_a


and build "main.exe" using


then running the .exe prints the current version of sqlalchemy-access. However, if "" tries to create a SQLAlchemy engine using

engine = create_engine("access+pyodbc://@my_dsn")

the .exe will throw an error:

Module not found error : no module named 'sqlalchemy_access.pyodbc'

The fix is to use PyInstaller's --collect-all option to include all of the sqlalchemy_access files:

pyinstaller --collect-all sqlalchemy_access