Prototype for FHIR genomics reports. Development and project documentation is in the repository wiki
Note If you have cloned the repository and run the docker commands in the Development services section then
the page will connect to your FHIR server that is running on your machine.
Warning This is only for testing, and no clinical data should be entered
The project is built using React and requires an up-to-date version of node and npm to be installed. These can be checked on the command line on unix systems:
node -v
| v18.12.1
npm -v
| 9.1.2
To setup a local version clone the repository and install the npm dependencies
git clone
cd gmsa_genomic_fhir_webapp
npm install
From the root of the project, copy the test env file to the root directory so that the application can use the correct
environmental variables.
The .env
file is ignored by git so won't be accidentally committed.
cp env/dev.env .env
This file will need to be edited to allow automated testing to determine if the LOINC api is returning different value sets. You may also want to edit other variables
Start the FHIR server in docker, running in the background
docker compose -f up -d
[+] Running 2/2
⠿ Network fhir-report_default Created 0.1s
⠿ Container fhir-report-fhir-1 Started 0.8s
The status of the services using ps
docker compose -f ps
Name Command State Ports
fhir-report_fhir_1 run Up>8080/tcp
- From the repository directory, you can build and run development version using
npm start
- Tests can be run by:
npm test
- A production build can be created using
npm run build