CLI for performing SensorThings tasks
$ go get
$ sti
$ docker run geodan/sti
with parameters:
$ docker run geodan/sti version
Get the cli tool version
$ sti version
status: implemented
Login to the given SensorThings server
$ sti login
status: implemented
Get the SensorThings Things
status: partly implemented
$ sti get things
Get the SensorThings Sensors
status: partly implemented
$ sti get sensors
Get the SensorThings Datastreams
status: partly implemented
$ sti get datastreams
Get the SensorThings ObservedProperties
status: partly implemented
$ sti get observedproperties
Get the SensorThings Locations
status: partly implemented
$ sti get locations
Get the SensorThings Observations
status: partly implemented
$ sti get observations
Get the SensorThings HistoricalLocations
status: partly implemented
$ sti get historicallocations
Get the SensorThings FeaturesOfInterest
status: partly implemented
$ sti get featuresofinterest
Create a SensorThings Things
$ sti create thing
status: todo
Create a SensorThings Sensor
$ sti create sensor
status: todo
Create a SensorThings Datastream
$ sti create datastream
status: todo
Delete a SensorThings Things
$ sti delete thing {$name}
status: todo
Delete a SensorThings Sensor
$ sti delete sensor {$name}
status: todo
Delete a SensorThings Datastream
$ sti delete datastream {$name}
status: todo