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GrainyHead - Helper tools for GitHub

GrainyHead is a set of Python scripts to work with GitHub repositories from the command line.

The name comes from the fruit fly gene grainyhead (grh).


Currently, GrainyHead allows to:

  • list “old” issues (issues that have not been updated for a while) in a repository;
  • automatically close said “old” issues;
  • obtain some metrics about what happened in a repository (e.g. how many issues were opened, how many pull requests were merged, how many comments were added, etc.).


GrainyHead needs a configuration file. The default configuration file is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/grainyhead/config on GNU/Linux and similar systems, or ~/Library/Application Support/grainyhead/config on Mac OS. Another location may be specified with the -c option.

The configuration file uses the INI-style format where each section describes a repository to work with. Here is a minimal configuration:

repository:<GitHub owner name>/<repository name>
token: <access token>

See GitHub's documentation on how to get an access token. Note that some features of GrainyHead require that the token has the read:org permission.

If the configuration file does not exist, you will be prompted for the repository URL and your access token when you first invoke the program.


Invoke grainyhead with the --help option to get the list of available commands. Invoke a command with that same option to get a detailled help message for the command.

If called without any command, grainyhead will enter into an interactive shell mode, from which commands can be entered repeatedly without leaving the program.

Listing old issues in a repository

Use the issues command to list open issues that have not been updated for a while (365 days by default):

$ grainyhead issues

The output is a Markdown-style table containing, for each issue, its name, its author, a value indicating whether the author is a known contributor to the repository, and the names of any user(s) assigned to take care of the issue.

Use the --team option to specify the name of the GitHub team from the organisation that owns the repository. The command will then indicate for each issue whether its author is a member of that team.

Closing old issues in a repository

The close command will automatically close all issues that have not been updated for a while (365 days by default).

Each issue to be closed with be tagged with autoclosed-unfixed and a comment will be added to explain that the issue has been closed automatically.

Listing repository metrics

The metrics command will list some statistics about the repository over a given period of time:

$ grainyhead metrics
From 2021-09-02 to 2021-12-01

| Event | Total | Internal | Internal (%) | External | Externam (%) |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Contributors | 24 | 15 | 62.50 | 9 | 37.50 |
| Issues opened | 71 | 64 | 90.14 | 7 | 9.86 |
| Issues closed | 89 | 77 | 86.52 | 12 | 13.48 |
| Pull requests opened | 86 | 68 | 79.07 | 18 | 20.93 |
| Pull requests closed | 94 | 78 | 82.98 | 16 | 17.02 |
| Pull requests merged | 79 | 65 | 82.28 | 14 | 17.72 |
| Comments | 476 | 412 | 86.55 | 64 | 13.45 |
| Commits | 232 | 201 | 86.64 | 31 | 13.36 |
| Releases | 4 | 4 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 |


GrainyHead is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. The full license is included in the COPYING file of the source distribution.

Homepage and repository

The project is located at with the manual at The source code is available in a Git repository at