This application is a prototype for the union capital application which will enable community members to check in at their volunteer events, track their points etc.
Install Node, and NPM with it:
curl -L | sh
Install Meteorite
npm install -g meteorite
Install Meteor
curl | sh
Run meteorite from the base level of this repo.
Depending on your permissions, you may need to run sudo mrt
Design Notes (6/21/2014):
- filter events to only Admin creates ones (bug)
- messages are too big and dont fade away (5 seconds)
- filter info messages based on what user cares about
- indicate that you can click on future elements (underline event names)
- change URL to Event Website (on Current / Upcoming Events)
- clean up routes (match template names to functionality)
- icon in navbar and home should go to member or admin home page
- scrap QR code completely, replace with geo location check in
- Categories for members dont make sense
- consider Facebook integration -> review photos
- odd behavior when clicking on Change Password (also have to hard reload things)
- need account management page
- define page with boundaries with borders
- switch navigation menu based on user type
- remove Actions button on Admin Member Profiles
- takes 2 clicks to access buttons
- input validation
- make event active a checkbox
- event tagging
- search events based on tags / locations
- make zoom level one greater, change family independence center
- abilily to edit member profiles (expand members)
- have event history, point total,
- make all headers
- why is Somerville cooking class not present on edit events (admin?) -> need to show past events
- add submit request for event to Member
- have users register for events (are you going), then show totals on Admin page