��# xk6-smtp
k6 extension to k6 extension to use smtp protocol (sending emails). Implemented using the xk6 system.
xk6 build v0.38.3 --with github.com/gpiechnik2/xk6-smtp@latest
function structure
sendMail( host, port, senderMail, passwordOrToken, [UDW, UDW2 ...], emailData )
import smtp from 'k6/x/smtp'; export default function () { // simple mail smtp.sendMail( "smtp.gmail.com", "587", "sender@example.com", "passwordOrToken", ["udwUser@example.pl"], "Simple message" ) // send an email with a defined subject, recipient and message smtp.sendMail( "smtp.gmail.com", "587", "sender@example.com", "passwordOrToken", ["udwUser@example.pl"], "To: mainRecipient@example.com\r\n" + "Subject: Test mail\r\n\r\n" + "Email body\r\n" ) // send message with html message const mime = "MIME-version: 1.0;\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\";\n\n" const body = "<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>" smtp.sendMail( "smtp.gmail.com", "587", "sender@example.com", "passwordOrToken", ["udwUser@example.pl"], mime + body ) }