HEC-Commander Tools is a suite of python notebooks developed with AI assistance for water resource engineering workflows, primarily focused on providing automation for HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS through Jupyter Notebooks. Additionally, this repository contains blog posts and ChatGPT assistants relevant to H&H modeling, automation and the use of LLM's for water resources workflows.
William Mark Katzenmeyer, P.E., C.F.M.
- Sean Micek, P.E. - HMS-Commander Jython core logic, implementation of calibration regions. RAS-Commander infiltration HDF revision prototyping
- Tyler Young, E.I. - DSS-Commander calibration metrics, debugging, and testing of all tools.
Contains automation scripts for HEC-HMS that allow the generation of multiple DSS output files with user-defined calibration parameters. This tool was developed to support 1D HEC-RAS calibration and validation workflows using deficit and constant loss methods with optional recession baseflow, and employs a user-generated CSV file to input scale factors for each individual parameter. A second version of the script allows definition of multiple calibration regions, enabling spatial variability of scale factors.
Includes a suite of HEC-RAS automation scripts that support the parallel execution of HEC-RAS unsteady plans, as well as construction of plan files utilizing multiple HEC-HMS inputs. Defines DSS output file names, generates batch scripts for headless execution, and manages the deployment and parallel execution of HEC-RAS runs on local and remote machines using peer-to-peer Windows network shares. These scripts are applicable for both 1D and 2D model formats, and now support overriding RASMapper infiltration override layers.
Provides a script for plotting 1D HEC-RAS results from DSS against gauge results, creating zoomable HTML plots with Bokeh. It calculates calibration statistics (RMSE, r, PBIAS, NSE) for each plotted location and supports multiple gauges, as well as the plotting of multiple DSS results files for both Stage and Flow.
New GHNCD to DSS Precipitation Grid Comparison Tool
Under each HMS, RAS, and DSS Commander folders are miscellaneous scripts and tools to assist with workflows related to those programs. These include soil statistics tools, tools for setting ineffective flow area permanency + more.
A collection of blogs and missives about AI, HEC-RAS and HMS scripting, and topics related to the tools in this repo HEC-Commander Blog
A collection of other useful GPT's and ChatGPT conversation examples to complement this repository can be found in the ChatGPT Examples Folder
HEC-Commander Repository Assistant | GPT Link has access to a compiled version of the documentation in its Knowledge Base, as well as a zip file containing all of the content in the repo for retrieval This GPT can be used to learn about the scripts, ask for instructions to help you debug any errors, as well as provide coding assistance for revising scripts for your use:
The HEC-Commander tools and AI-assisted scripting were presented at Association of State Flooplain Managers (ASFPM) Annual Conference in Salt Lake City on June 27, 2024.* Check out a PDF of the presentation!
Quick Start Guide for HEC-Commander Tools (Click to Expand)
PDF Version of Quick Start Guide
Install Python using Anaconda Navigator
Download via Anaconda.com
Then, create a Python 3.11 Environment:
- Open Anaconda Navigator
- Environments > Create
- Name:
, Packages: Search and select Python, Version:3.11
- Launch a Terminal in the new environment
- Install required dependencies with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Visual Studio Code (VSCode) + Jupyter and Python Extensions
Download via Visual Studio Code
After installing VSCode:
- Open Extension View (
) - Search and install:
,Python Environment Manager
Install Java Software Development Kit Download the JDK version 20.0.1 required for HEC-HMS 4.9 from Oracle.
Install Jython Download the Jython Installer from Jython.org and install to the default location (C:\jython2.7.3).
Create Local Windows File Share for Remote Execution
- Log into the remote machine
- Create a directory (e.g.,
) - Right-click on the folder, select "Properties"
- Go to "Sharing" tab, click "Share..."
- Add 'Everyone' and set permissions to 'Read/Write', click "Share"
Install C++ Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (for DSS-Commander) https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_BuildTools.exe When installing, select the "C++ Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019" option
A Youtube Channel with instructional videos to accompany this repository can be found here: GPT-Commander Youtube Channel
Full Momentum Episode 33: The Future of leveraging HEC-RAS with Automation and AI
Australian Water School - Applying AI to HEC-RAS Modelling Workflows (July 2024)
Australian Water School - AI tools for modelling innovation (Feb 2024)
There is also a premium webinar available here AI Applications to HEC-RAS modelling workflows which details how to build basic HEC-RAS automation functions from plain language. This will soon be available as a separate, open soure ras-commander library. (coming soon!)