Wrapper class for the current API of Arnold for c4d
Arnold class is the main wrapper. You normally only have to deal with it.
- set_mat, Make sure to call it before any others one. Set on which material change are done.
- get_material_infromations, return dict of data from a material
- create_shader, create a shader inside the material
- remove_shader, remove a shader inside the material
- create_connection, create a connection beetween 2 node and 2 port_id
- remove_connection, remove a connection from a node, port_id
- connect_beauty, connect node to the beauty port
- connect_displacement, connect node to the displacement port
- connect_viewport, connect viewport to the viewport port
- disconnect_beauty, discconnect node to the beauty port
- disconnect_displacement, discconnect node to the displacement port
- discconnect_viewport, discconnect viewport to the viewport port
Node class represent a c4d.modules.graphview.GvNode inside an arnold shader network.
- get_node, return the c4d.modules.graphview.GvNode attached to the Node object
- get_type, return the Arnold type of the node
- get_parameter, get the value of a parameter from id/name
- set_parameter, set the value of a parameter from id/name
Connection class represent a connection inside an arnold shader network.
- READ-ONLY member variable : input_node, the starting Node used as source
- READ-ONLY member variable : input_port, the port id used in the source Node
- READ-ONLY member variable : output_node, the destination Node
- READ-ONLY member variable : input_node, the port id used in the destination Node
Message wrap the current arnold API. Basic workflow set_data => send => get_data, You normally never have to deal with this class
- set_data, set the data for the message to be send
- send, send the message
- get_data, retrieve data from previous
Basic exemple for create an arnold material, a standard node link to the beauty and a user_data_rgb linked to the color of the standard.
import c4d
from arnold_wrapper.Arnold import Arnold
#define wrapper
arnold = Arnold()
#create arnold material
mat = c4d.BaseMaterial(arnold.ARNOLD_MATERIAL)
#Define the mat where we gonna act after
#create user_data_rgb
user_data_rgb = arnold.create_shader(arnold.ARNOLD_SHADER_GV, "user_data_rgb", 200, 200)
user_data_rgb.set_parameter("user_data_rgb.default", c4d.Vector(0.2,0.4,0.6))
#create our standard node
standard_node = arnold.create_shader(arnold.ARNOLD_SHADER_GV, "standard_surface", 600, 200)
#create connections
arnold.create_connection(user_data_rgb.get_node(), 0, standard_node.get_node(), "standard_surface.base_color")
arnold.connect_beauty(standard_node.get_node(), 0)
Another exemple with more interactions with material can be found here
To use it as a library simply copy arnold_wrapper folder into
- Windows
%AppData%\MAXON\CINEMA 4D RXX\library\python\packages\win64
- Mac
/Users/"YOURUSERNAME"/Library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R15_8C725DAB/library/python/packages/win64
Even if I suggest to use it as a library you are free to only include it into your project. For doing it in proper way I suggest you to read Best Practice For Imports from official support forum and then use py-localimport from Niklas Rosenstein
Tested and build on C4dToA 2.0+ and R17/R18