Writed on React + JS
Run project in localhost:3000
Build project. HTML5 code in /build directory
Writed on Python + Flask
Install python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ recommendation use version (3.12.3). Then install pip from https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installation/. Install dependencies with command:
Run server in localhost:5000. You need to go to /backend directory
Writed on Python + Telebot
Install python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ recommendation use version (3.12.3). Then install pip from https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installation/. Install dependencies with command:
Run telegram bot. You need to go to /bot directory
Go to /src/constants/BASE_URL. Paste your URL without "/"
At /backend/server file you find a table with name "tasks".To create task you need to add unique id field. Change that JSON object, and paste it to data:
{"type":"special","title":"YOUR_TITLE","money":"YOUR_MONEY","icon":"ICON_NAME","tasks":[ {"title":"TITLE_OF_TASK", "url":"LINK_OF_TASK"}, {"title":"TITLE_OF_TASK", "url":"LINK_OF_TASK"}, {"title":"TITLE_OF_TASK", "url":"LINK_OF_TASK"} ]}
This is a template. You can add, or delete some tasks from "tasks" key. Example of "Binance Registration" task:
{"type":"special","title":"Binance Registration","money":"300 000","icon":"2.png","tasks":[ {"title":"Register account", "url":"https://accounts.binance.com/en/register"} ]}
Change in FRONTEND: go to /src/constants/countries file. Add name of country to a "countries" list. Then go to /public/flags direction. Add a flag with country name + ".png".
At /src/assets you can find all icons. Just change the file with icon.