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STM32-Arduino-based GPS logger with LCD screen. It is highly inspired by Holux M-241 but with multiple improvements

Key features:

  • Logging to SD card as raw NMEA dump, as well as ready to use GPX format
  • Small 128x32 Screen to display various data: current time, horizontal and vertical speed, altitude, odometers, GPS stats and many more
  • POI button
  • Multiple odometers with statistics: total and movement time, maximum and average speed, elevation, min/max altitude
    • each odometer can be started/paused/resumed/reset independently
  • Buzzer to inform user about important events
  • Powered by Lithium battery with working time estimation

More features are TBD


Target platform for the project is some kind of STM32 microcontroller - it provides pretty good computation power and enough serial/I2C/SPI ports to connect all the components. Current development goes with stm32f103c8t6 "Blue Pill" arduino-nano-like development board.

Other hardware used:

  • 0.91" OLED 128x32 display
  • Beitan BN-880 GPS module, based on UBLOX-M8N chip
  • SD card module TBD
  • Battery driver module TBD

Connection schematics is TBD. Brief list of connections:

  • Display is connected to pins B6/B7 (I2C #1)
  • GPS is connected to A9/A10 (UART #1)
  • Buttons are connected to C14/C15. Other end is connected to VCC (not GND)

Software used

The device firmware is based on STM32-arduino (stm32duino) framework to access peripheral. At the same time FreeRTOS is used to drive simultaneous and concurrent tasks.

Libraries used:

  • Adafruit GFX and Adafruit SSD1306 libraries to drive the display
  • NeoGPS to parse NMEA GPS protocol

The project is using Arduino sketches concept. Atmel Studio + Visual Micro plugin is used to build all the stuff instead of ArduinoIDE. Due to limitations of arduino build process I will likely search for another build system option.

Project Structure

  • cmake - CMake toolchain files and project wide compiler settings
  • Docs - various useful docs for project components. Just to keep them at a single location
  • Libs - Used libraries. Used mostly a copy of original libraries, but have some minor tweaks and configuration changes
  • Fonts - sources for fonts used in the project
  • Src - logger sources
  • Test - unit test and other testing related stuff

How to build

CMake is used as a build system. Here is an example how to generate MinGW makefiles

mkdir <Builddir>
cd <Builddir>
cmake "-DTOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=<PathToArmGccCompiler>" -G "MinGW Makefiles" <PathToProject>
mingw32-make GPSLogger.bin

UI structure

Key part of the system is display. All available information is structured to a screen page concept (or just Screen), each displays a specific set of data.

From the C++ prospective each screen is a class derived from Screen interface. Each class knows how to display itself and implements a reaction on buttons.

Navigation is performed via 2 hardware buttons. Each screen shows a brief tooltip under the button. Typical buttons functionality:

  • Select button switches to a next screen or value
  • Ok button applies selected option or enters a submenu/subscreen

Main screens are:

  • Time Screen displays current time according to selected time zone
    • Ok button enters time zone selection screen
  • Current speed screen displays speed in selected units (km/h, mph), heading and altitude
    • Ok button leads to altutude and vertical speed screen
  • Current position screen shows latitude/longtitude position as Degrees/Minutes/Seconds
    • Ok buttons stores current position as a way point (POI)
  • Odometer screen displays main and additional odometer values
    • Long press of Ok button leads to pause/resume/reset selector. Applies to all odometers at once.
      • Reset has a warning message that all metrics will be lost and therefore has additional confirmation
    • Ok button leads to odometer selection. Each screen has detailed odometer information such as:
      • Distance
      • Overall duration, active (non-paused) duration
      • total average, active average and maximum speeds
      • elevation (difference between starting and resulting altitude), average active vertical speed
      • Sel button selects the odometers
      • Long Ok button leads to pause/resume/reset selector
        • Reset shows additional confirmation
  • Settings is a set of options split by categories (selected with 'sel' button)
    • GPS Settings - various GPS options (instant GPS signal metrics, distance units selection, etc)
    • SD Card - options related to SD card handling (free space metrics, raw log enable/disable, gpx store frequency)
    • System - system wide settings (language, display off timings, etc)

Links and misc stuff

  • Build log with detailed description of goals, achievements, HW and SW solutions, etc. (in Russian):