A demonstrator project for using IPC to communicate between an Angular 2 application hosted in Electron and a WPF C# application using IPC and Edge.js
Edge.js http://tjanczuk.github.io/edge/
Node-IPC https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc
Used to communicate using IPC between Node running in C# process and Electron main process
NGX-Electron NPM package https://github.com/ThorstenHans/ngx-electron
Used to facilitate using Electron IPC api from Angular, to allow Electron Renderer and Main process communication using Angular
Requires Node and Visual Studio installations
Install Electron and Angular CLI globally using NPM
Build the Electron and Angular apps using npm and ng build --base-href .
Use Visual Studio to build the WPF project. Note that the node_modules folder is copied to the output folder of the WPF app.
Run the WPF app, it will launch Electron
There is a current open issue with Electron typescript interfaces. Copy the included patched version of electron.d.ts into the node_modules/electron folder in angular-app after trying to build.