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Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (02 11 2021)

Jason Schindler edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Date: 02/11/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • James Kleeh
  • Zachary Klein
  • Graeme Rocher
  • Jason Schindler
  • Bobby Warner


  • Current Development Activities
  • JFrog Discontinuation of JCenter and Bintray
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • Began working on a replacement for the Bintray API
  • Wrote a Micronaut service with a persistence layer
    • Did a little bit of refactoring on the Grails app but trying to make few changes
  • Need to add an admin portal
  • Graeme: Is the database relational? Where will it be hosted?
    • Jason: We have an AWS environment for Grails, we would probably put it there
    • Graeme: One thought I had was to host a JSON file in GitHub and then people can do PRs to it to do updates
    • James: That was something that was talked about as an option. This would put it on the plugin author to do a second PR to get their contact updated
    • Graeme: Just an idea to make something that doesn't require another database
    • Zachary: How should we update this?
    • Puneet: It could be from PRs by the author
    • James: You could do it with a cron in GitHub actions
    • Bobby: I think I agree having the super-simple file would be preferred. I also don't think there is a large volume of plugins being released
    • James: I think it is normal to have 5 new plugin releases in a week
    • Jason: OK, that sounds like a decision
    • James: I think it would be a good idea to do a POC GitHub Cron job


  • Working on package migration from Bintray to Artifactory
    • Puneet: I've been trying to find a way to export everything from the Bintray repo and can't find something that provides more than one file at a time
    • Graeme: One option is to reach out to the JFrog people to request help for that
    • James: Are we able to get a list of all the artifacts with the Bintray API?
    • Puneet: Allow me to share my screen
    • Puneet demonstrated what he has been able to discover from the Bintray API

JFrog Discontinuation of JCenter and Bintray

  • Jason: We need to determine what our recommendation will be for plugin authors
  • Jason: In the chat channel we have been discussing suggesting Maven Central
  • Graeme: Another option is GitHub packages
  • Puneet: A limitation of GitHub packages is that every release needs a repository
  • Jason: We had discussed giving them access to Artifactory
  • James: I don't think allowing them to publish directly to is an option
  • Jason: Right, it would introduce a lot of management overhead for user accounts and permissions
  • James: It also makes us more attached in the long term to Artifactory
  • Puneet: I'm also a little hesitant continuing with as a longer term solution
  • Puneet: Long term, Maven Central seems like the best option
  • Jason: Just because we suggest that, that doesn't mean that they can't choose to publish elsewhere
  • Jason: David also shared in chat that he felt the domain ownership requirement was a lot to put on plugin authors, but according to the Maven Central documentation, you can use your GitHub account to claim a Group.
  • Graeme: I've seen groups associated with GitHub accounts before.
  • Puneet: We will write something up in a blog post with options and give a preference to Maven Central
  • Jason: James said there was a Gradle plugin that folks are using to publish
  • James: Graeme, do you know offhand if the gradle plugin can be modified to say where it will publish to?
  • Graeme: I don't remember. I believe it just configures the gradle plugin stuff I don't think it does anything special
  • James: How does it know to publish to Bintray as a default
  • Graeme: It extends from the Bintray plugin
  • James: So I guess the question is should we update that plugin for people to use or should we suggest that they use something else
  • Bobby: We should direct them towards the standard maven plugins

Next Steps

  • Jason: These seem to be the next steps
    • Migrate existing artifacts out of Bintray and into Artifactory
    • Publish blog post with steps and advice for plugin authors
    • Put together public repository to support Grails Plugin portal
    • Modify Plugin Portal to stop using Bintray API
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