26-key, column-staggered, wireless, reversable, split keyboard made with ergogen and KiCad. Named after the pueo.
Highly inspired by the TOTEM by GEIST, the zilpzalp, the berylline, and my unibody board the ʻākohekohe.
Two versions for choc switches are available:
- The default-spacing solder-only version (in the pcb directory)
- The minimal-choc-spacing solder-only version with the tightest spacing that choc V1 switches allow for (in the pcb_min_choc directory) Note: You will have to procure min-spacing keycaps. I am not aware of any commercial solution. Recommendation: Philadelphia Minimalist by Pseudoku. There are also currently no 1.5u min-space keycaps, these will need to be generated.
Warning: The min-choc-spacing version has not been tested yet!
Example keymap for how you might use this many keys, created using caksoylar's great keymap-drawer
Alternative base layouts, Colemak DH, Bird, and a Gallium mod shared to me by ssbb are also great options:
- 2 pcbs
- 2 nice!nanos v2
- 26 kailh choc low profile switches
- 26 keycaps
- 2 100mAh 401230 batteries
- 2 power switchs
- 2 reset buttons TS-1236-4.3]
The pueo was built intending to be used with the great SpitKB Tenting Puck and mounted on smallrig magic arms. As of publishing the board they were out of stock so I am using magnetic rings for now.
ZMK is what I use and have setup a module for: peuo ZMK Module