- runs backup on host which has the ssh keys to access other servers
- uses duplicity/rsync to incrementally backup local/remote folder
- can encrypt (or leave the task to backend)
- sends backup to backend:
- Tahoe LAFS: a decentralysed encrypted storage grid made of Raspberry/homepc/server (full doc below)
- AWS S3: S3 classic bucket (few steps in end of document)
More info: you can find an overview of that setup on my blog: https://greg.satoshi.tech/
cd /root/ && git clone https://bitbucket.org/sbex/duply.git && cd duply
docker build -t duply .
You can build the storage grid on the same server for testing, or different one for production. Follow the graph to see which port to open.
Connector/hub/directory which will list all available storages. Where our client will get the list of all available storages.
docker run --rm -v /root/.introducer:/root/.introducer/ dockertahoe/tahoe-lafs tahoe create-introducer --basedir=/root/.introducer --port=tcp:41464 --location=tcp:<YOUR_LOCAL_IP>:41464
Run container:
docker run -d --name tahoe-introducer -p 41464:41464 -v /root/.introducer:/root/.introducer/ tdockertahoe/tahoe-lafs tahoe start /root/.introducer --nodaemon --logfile=-
Get the introducer url and replace --introducer in next commands!!
docker exec tahoe-introducer cat /root/.introducer/private/introducer.furl
Grid nodes where all the actual data will be. It can be raspberry, server, homepc.
docker run --rm -v /root/.storage:/root/.storage/ dockertahoe/tahoe-lafs tahoe create-node --basedir=/root/.storage --nickname=`hostname` --port=tcp:3457 --location=tcp:<YOUR_LOCAL_IP>:3457 --introducer=pb://zyadrwuf....
Run container:
docker run -d --name tahoe-storage -p 3457:3457 -v /root/.storage:/root/.storage/ dockertahoe/tahoe-lafs tahoe start /root/.storage --nodaemon --logfile=-
Same config on other storage servers...
What you need:
- Ubuntu laptop to load the pi os to a SD card
- Access to your home router configuration (for port forwarding)
- Network cable (prefered) or wifi access
Note: this only thing missing so far in my doc is how to connect an external HD for more storage. We will use only SD storage for the moment.
Download raspian image:
cd Downloads && wget https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite_latest
Unmount all SD card drive
df -h
/dev/sdb1 40862 22414 18448 55% /media/gg/resin-boot
/dev/sdb2 174392 134814 30362 82% /media/gg/resin-root
/dev/sdb5 20422 2 20420 1% /media/gg/resin-conf
/dev/sdb6 15115776 919240 13766776 7% /media/gg/resin-data
sudo umount /dev/sdb1 (2,5,6)
(Not needed: if you want to format your partition: sudo mkdosfs -F 32 -v /dev/sdb)
Install OS (https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/linux.md)
cd Downloads
sudo dd bs=4M if=2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/sdb
If wifi only: edit your local wifi networks:
sudo nano /media/gg/3598ef8e-09be-47ef-9d01-f24cf61dff1d/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Edit keyboard sudo nano /media/gg/3598ef8e-09be-47ef-9d01-f24cf61dff1d/etc/default/keyboard XKBLAYOUT="ch"
Edit hostname with your nickname/location
sudo nano /media/gg/3598ef8e-09be-47ef-9d01-f24cf61dff1d/etc/hostname
sudo nano /media/gg/3598ef8e-09be-47ef-9d01-f24cf61dff1d/etc/hosts greghome-pi
sudo umount /dev/sdb1 (2,5,6)
At home: put sd card in rasberry and start it. Wait and scan (before and after) the network to find his ip:
nmap -sP
Or you can connect to your home router and check the dhcp.
Connect to it
ssh pi@YOUR_RASPBERRY_IP (password: raspberry)
Install docker
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo shutdown -r
sudo curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
sudo nano /home/pi/Dockerfile
FROM resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie
MAINTAINER gregbkr@outlook.com
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git python-pip build-essential python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev python-virtualenv
RUN git clone https://github.com/tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs
ADD . /tahoe-lafs
cd /tahoe-lafs && \
git pull --depth=100 && \
pip install . && \
rm -rf ~/.cache/
RUN tahoe --version
Build images
sudo docker build -t tahoe-arm .
Add settings: YOUR_PUBLIC_IP --> at home, find your public IP here: https://www.whatismyip.com/what-is-my-public-ip-address/
sudo docker run --rm -v /home/pi/.tahoe:/root/.tahoe/ tahoe-arm tahoe create-node --nickname=`hostname` --port=tcp:3457 --location=tcp:<YOUR_PUBLIC_IP>:3457 --introducer=pb://zya.....
Run tahoe storage
sudo docker run -d --name tahoe-storage -p 3457:3457 -v /home/pi/.tahoe:/root/.tahoe/ tahoe-arm tahoe start /root/.tahoe --nodaemon --logfile=-
sudo docker logs tahoe-storage
Activate your home router redirection:
Name : tahoe
Protocal : TCP
IP source : * <- access from internet
Port source : 3457 <- port of the router to be redirected internally
IP destination : <- your raspberry local IP
Port destination: 3457
Test with: (should get a filtered/open state at least)
This is the backup server: no backup files here, but all secrets are here. We will run backup and restore from here. So this container got tahoe-client and duply.
Initialize tahoe-client and use the introducer url from your grid:
docker run --rm -v /root/.tahoe:/root/.tahoe/ duply \
tahoe create-client \
--nickname=`hostname` --webport=tcp:3456:interface= \
nano /root/.tahoe/tahoe.cfg <-- change shares.happy=2(minimum storage needed) if your have only 2 storage server.
Run duply + tahoe-client container:
docker run -d --name duply \
-v ~/.ssh:/ssh -v /root/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg -v /root/.duply:/root/.duply -v /root/backup:/root/backup \
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse --privileged \
-p 3456:3456 \
-v /root/.tahoe:/root/.tahoe \
- always edit config on the host, and use docker restart duply to refresh container if needed
- --cap-add, --device, --priviledged: is to be able to backup remote folder via sshfs
- -v /ssh, .gnupg: share the host key to container duply
At this point your can see all your node in the admin GUI on <storageclient_ip>:3456
Create(or import an existing) tahoe alias: it is the root folder where we will make backup.
docker exec duply tahoe create-alias backup
docker exec duply tahoe list-aliases
backeup: URI:DIR2:pmhosio65ugrucuvyt4uminbnq:7msac6ypv6nl5z33ionhaenzcrqutpycatuzgix7462nafgqtegq <-- KEEP THIS URI REF, ONLY WAY TO RECOVER YOUR BACKUPS!
Physical location of these keys on hosts:
nano /root/.tahoe/private/aliases
You can create subfolder this way:
docker exec duply tahoe mkdir backup:test
If you give a subfolder link to someone, they can not dedure or see the root folder.
To connect to an already existing tahoe alias:
docker exec duply tahoe add-alias backup URI:DIR2:pmhosio65ugrucuvyt4uminbnq:7msac6ypv6nl5z33ionhaenzcrqutpycatuzgix7462nafgqtegq
List content of folder backup:
docker exec duply tahoe ls backup:
Test backup:
Open tahoe admin GUI:
Open Tahoe-URL > URI:DIR2:ohqbr6easltpe7m7xf6lw47stm:2hpnrrtnxchhvokfqrjujlobbikowvbdy6z3dsod2ajo7y4s3vha > View file or directory
Upload a file. Now you can see that if you don't provide that long URI, it is impossible to see the file. If you upload a file without providing any URI, tahoe will generate a new URI. Don't loose that URI, or you can't recover your files.
Duply container should already be running, or see on top the section: "Run duply + tahoe-client container"
Create a test config:
docker exec duply duply test create
nano /root/.duply/test/conf <-- replace with the value below
# tahoe
# base directory to backup
GPG_KEY='disabled' # <-- tahoe take care of encryption
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --allow-source-mismatch " # <-- usefull because duply we work in a container which can be delete
Create a test file to test a backup:
touch "backup test 1" > /root/backup/test1
Run a backup to tahoe
docker exec duply duply test backup (--allow-source-mismatch could be needed if error)
Check backup via Duply
docker exec duply duply test list --disable-encryption
Check file are present in Tahoe via GUI or command line (you should see few duplicity... files)
docker exec duply tahoe ls backup:
docker exec duply duply YOUR_BCK_PROFILE backup (if needed: --disable-encryption --allow-source-mismatch)
docker exec duply duply YOUR_BCK_PROFILE list
docker exec duply duply YOUR_BCK_PROFILE restore /root/backup/YOUR_CHOICE_restore
list backup of x time ago: s, m, h, D, W, M, or Y (indicating seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years respectively) http://duplicity.nongnu.org/duplicity.1.html
docker exec duply duply YOUR_BCK_PROFILE list --time 10m
docker exec duply duply YOUR_BCK_PROFILE list --time 2W
List backup collection in tahoe
docker exec duply duplicity collection-status tahoe://backup
restore last version
docker run --rm -v /root/duply/.duply:/root/.duply -v /root/restore:/root/restore duply YOUR_BCK_PROFILE restore /root/backup/YOUR_RESTORE_FOLDER
restore version of 10 min ago.
docker run --rm -v /root/duply/.duply:/root/.duply -v /root/restore:/root/restore duply ethereum restore /root/restore/ethereum --time 10m
Usually, important file to backup are not on the backup server. So I use ssh to run command like pg_dump for exemple, before to retrieve the files via sshfs.
cp -r /root/.duply/test /root/.duply/postgres
Edit main conf:
nano /root/.duply/postgres/conf
# tahoe
# base directory to backup
SOURCE='/mnt/backup' #<-- for remote backup with sshfs
GPG_KEY='disabled' # <-- tahoe take care of encryption
## Backup retention: need to use purge to remove old backup. Help: https://zetta.io/en/help/articles-tutorials/backup-linux-duply/
# MAX_AGE= is how far back in time you want backups to be kept
# MAX_FULL_BACKUPS= is how many full backups we want to keep
# MAX_FULLS_WITH_INCRS= is how many full backups with incremental backups we want to keep
# MAX_FULLBKP_AGE= is how long we should to incremental backups before we need to do a full backup
DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --full-if-older-than $MAX_FULLBKP_AGE --allow-source-mismatch "
Edit script PRE which will be executed before the backup (please change VM and CONTAINER var)
nano /root/.duply/postgres/pre
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
mkdir -p /mnt/backup
echo "--> postgres: pg_dump"
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /ssh/id_rsa_sbexx root@$VM mkdir -p /root/backup
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /ssh/id_rsa_sbexx root@$VM bash -c \" docker exec -t -u postgres $CONTAINER pg_dumpall -c \| gzip --rsyncable \> /root/backup/postgres-pgdump.gz \"
echo "--> Mount remote backup folder to local duply container"
sshfs -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -oIdentityFile=/ssh/id_rsa_sbexx root@$VM:/root/backup /mnt/backup
ls -lah /mnt/backup
Edit script POST which will be executed after the backup
nano /root/.duply/postgres/post
umount /mnt/backup
Run a Backup
docker exec duply duply postgres backup
You need to backup in a save place the following files:
- /root/.tahoe
- /root/.duply
- pgp keys & password (If you are using gpg: see section below)
IMPORTANT: Please make few backups. Then try to restore the system on another host to be sure to cover a disaster recovery!!
To reconstruct the backup, if one node goes offline, or one new node get added: (run every day by cron)
docker exec duply duply tahoe deep-check --repair backup:
# duply: backups
00 00 * * * /usr/bin/docker exec duply duply test backup | tee --append /root/logs/duply-test.log > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
# Tahoe: maintenance
00 03 * * 1 docker exec duply duply tahoe deep-check --repair backup: | tee --append /root/logs/tahoe-maintenance.log > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
Use the provided one for test:
gpg --import /root/files/gpgtest.DC581D8A.pub.asc.export
gpg --import /root/files/gpgtest.DC581D8A.pri.asc.export
Or create new one for prod:
gpg --gen-key
for exemple: name:backuptest, email:backuptest@gmail.com, pw: geneva2016
Backup your keys: save in a save place these 2 files + folder + your_password
gpg --export-secret-keys -a keyid > backup_private_key.asc
gpg --export -a keyid > backup_public_key.asc
trust the key
gpg --edit-key DC581D8A
5 (select 5 if you ultimately trust the key)
Check the key
gpg --list-key
pub 2048R/DC581D8A 2016-03-29
uid backuptest <backuptest@gmail.com>
sub 2048R/B380730B 2016-03-29
In duply conf:
# gpg encryption:
You need to have a bucket ready on AWS or Exoscale and edit .duply/YOUR_BCK_PROFILE/conf
# for s3 exoscale
# for s3 aws