ts-react-playground - TypeScript React Playground
- TypeScript
- React + React-Router + Recoil
- Jest Snapshot/Unit Tests with Code Coverage (enzyme)
- Jest + Puppeteer (screenshots from submodule) E2E Tests
- Storybook (publish via CI into submodule)
- ESM (development or build)
- Webpack (development or build)
- Rollup for Vendor as ESM
- GitHub CI Integration (feature, development, master, release)
- Circle CI Integration
- Code Quality via Code Climate
- Docker Container (nginx with ssl)
git clone https://github.com/gregoranders/ts-react-playground
npm install
npm run build:webpack
npm run build:esm
Test using Jest
npm test
npm run e2e
npm start
npm run watch-script
npm run watch-scss
npm run watch-livereload
npm run storybook
npm run clear