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The Code from my startup Pashion Tool. Very sharp UI built with Aurelia and Grails API

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Repository files navigation

Main file locations

  • CSS - grails-app/assets/stylesheets/pashion/pashion.scss
  • Login page - grails-app/views/user/login.gsp
  • The web page hosting the Aurelia Application - grails-app/views/dashboard/index.gsp
  • Aurelia (the single page application) root: src/main/webapp/

Automated Testing

Manual Testing


To setup the Development Environment:

  • Install Java 8 JDK on your system. JEnv is recommended if you need to switch between JVMs, for example between Java 7 & Java 8. However, it does complicate the environment for Grails somewhat as it requires a grails plugin to work with Grails. So only install if you know that you need multiple java virtual machines.

  • Install SDKMan. It dramatically reduces the complexity of installing and upgrading Grails.

  • With SDKMan installed, run 'sdk install grails 3.2.4' and let it set that version to be the default.

  • Ensure that NodeJS is installed. This provides the platform on which the Aurelia build tooling runs.

  • git clone (we will be moving to a Pashion account but for now use this git repository)

  • open two terminal windows. In the first terminal window navigate to the root directory of the application and run 'grails', then 'run-app'

  • in the second terminal window, navigate to src/main/webapp

  • run npm install to install the npm packages (assuming you already have npm installed). The JSPM packages are in the git repo and do not need to be installed. Some have been modified so do not run jspm.

  • Ensure that Gulp is installed globally npm install -g gulp

  • run gulp build to do an initial build, then run gulp watch to start developing. Gulp will re-build the project upon any file change.

  • All of the Aurelia (Javascript) for the application lives under src/main/webapp/src

  • The CSS/SCSS for the application lives under grails-app/assets/stylesheets/pashion and is built using the JVM Asset Pipeline.

  • the main stylesheet is assets/stylesheets/pashion/pashion.scss

  • With the grails server running you can view the dashboard at: http://localhost:8080/ which will first require a login

  • Press test user account: / Pashion123 - Elle Magazine

  • Brand test user account: / Pashion123

  • The application uses a database on Amazon AWS which will require internet connectivity. If this is too slow then you can setup MySQL locally.

Install a javascript package

  • We are using jspm and System.js to install and load javascript modules

  • to install a new javascript package jspm must be used. Some packages exist in the jspm repository and some exist in the npm repository. First, try using jspm:

  • from the src/main/webapp/ directory jspm install <package> if the package is not found, try with npm prefix jspm install npm:<package>

Notes on app deployment

  • The aurelia app can be bundled for a faster application load.

Deployment to

To deploy the application to test

  • from your gulp terminal run gulp bundle
  • after gulp bundle completes, from your grails command line run test war
  • login to Amazon Web Services
  • Under Services (in header, left side), choose Elastic Beanstalk
  • Ensure that you are in Ireland region, (in header, right side)
  • If you are deploying choose the pashion-NG environment.
  • In the center of the screen, under where it says 'Running Version', click on Upload and Deploy. Note the existing version number of the application.
  • Input a new version number by incrementing the last version number. Put this number into the Version Label. Also indicate in the decription that this is a test build by typing "TEST".
  • Click on 'Choose File' and navigate to your pashion-web/build/libs directory.
  • Choose the 'pashion-web-0.1.war' file to upload.
  • wait for the upload and allow about two to five minutes on the deployment and then check the site from a browser.
  • The first time you access it, it might say 'Proxy Error'. Try again after one minute.
  • If you bundled the application in the first step, run gulp unbundle in your gulp terminal to return to development mode. (then run gulp watch)

Image Upload

Image to S3 Process

  1. Download all images in a Collection.
    1. In Google Drive, select all the images, right click > download.
    2. Expand the downloaded .zip file.
  2. Resize images to 25%:
  3. (Mac workflow) Select all images in a finder window.
  4. right click (two finger tap) and choose open. The images should display in Preview.
  5. Click inside the left pane and then Cmd-A to select all images.
  6. Go to Tools > Adjust Size.
  7. Type 25 in Width input box (it will change Height to 25 also)
  8. Click OK, then close the window which will start the save process.
  9. Copy into the directory with the files and run it via the command line. Note: this can only be run on Collections that are not missing a Look (are sequentially numbered 1 to the final Look).
  10. If the Looks are not sequentially number, I have used the finder to rename them in the following process. In your open finder window, select all the files in the Collection then: File > Rename
  11. Example: SoniaRykiel_028_ss17.jpg. I take the initial string to remove, SoniaRykiel_ and replace it with 0, then I take the trailing part of the name that I want to remove, '_ss17' and replace it with nothing in the Replace With input box. The final files will be in the form of 0028.jpg.
  12. In AWS, navigate to S3 (no region), enter the pashion-tool directory.
  13. If the designer does not exist, create the folder structure: /sonia-rykiel/2017/spring/ready-to-wear/
  14. In the appropriate directory (ready-to-wear) Choose: Actions > Upload, then drag files into the Drag and Drop area, select 'Start Uploading'
  15. After uploading, select all the uploaded files in S3, then Choose: Actions > Make Public.

Collections Data Upload Process

  1. Find Looks Google GSheet
  2. File > Download As > Comma Separated Values (.csv current sheet)
  3. In a running instance of the application go to /upload/newformat
  4. Choose the City for the collection, then drag the CSV file to the 'Drop files here to Upload' area. The file will upload. You can view the command line to view debugging information on the upload. The code for this upload is in UploadController.groovy .
  5. You may verify the data by connecting to the database with Sequel Pro.
  6. To prepare for the next upload, refresh the /upload/ screen in the browser.
  7. upload detail/samples into URL: /upload/detail2


  • You can verify the collection by viewing and selecting the designer (and Collection if neccessary). Verify that there are no broken images. In case of discrepancies, you may view the collection in Vogue Runway for comparison. Occasionally, the 'make public' portion in S3 has to be reapplied if you see errors in the javascript console 503 permission errors.
  • Broken images may indicate that there was a missing look image and the images, when renamed, are now out of sync with the Looks.
  • I have noticed that even when there are missing images, we have data for the Look in the CSV
  • In these instances of missing images. I have deleted the record in the Searchable_Items table so that errors do not appear in the Javascript console and broken images do not show in the user interface.

Brand Onboarding

  • Select a Season, Category, and a Brand and then click create.
  • Create initial brand user with the page /user/create in our application.
  • Requires Name, Surname, Password, City, IsInPashionNetwork (checked), Brand (select a brand), and email. Then click create.
  • After one user has been created for a brand, you can login and use that user to create more users in the application
  • Looks for each season may be added using the application

PR Agency Onboarding


  • username: pashionprod
  • password: 2Mc9Nf17gBzyGs*a4$WS

Set Cache Control on S3 images

  • install s3cmd
  • s3cmd --recursive modify --add-header="Cache-Control:max-age=2592000" s3://pashion-tool/


The Code from my startup Pashion Tool. Very sharp UI built with Aurelia and Grails API






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