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New model for generation of text based on the "Transformer" that learns sentence based edition.

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This project introduce the "edit-transformer". A generative model based on the Google Transformer seq-to-seq from "Attention is all you need" that enables data augmentation. The data augmentation is performed by editing existing prototype sentences in a similar way as in "Generating sentences by editing prototypes". Training on pair of similar sentences allows the model to learn how to edit sentences and at inference performs generation.

In this github repository, a few scripts are made available to easely train and generate new data using the "edit-transformer" model.


This code requires python version 3.7.2. All other dependencies and requirements as well as the environements used during this work can be reproduced using the provided Dockerfile. In order to do so, Docker must be installed and if using GPU (highly recommended for training) nvidia-docker is also required. The training dataset is also coming from a separate source and must be downloaded. An example dataset of yelp review is provided and can be found here.

Building the environment

In order to reproduce the environment used in this project first download the dataset specified in pre-requisites and unzip it in a data folder. Then clone this repository in another folder using:

git clone --recursive

Recursive is mandatory to include the submodules (torchtext in this case).

The folder structure aimed after these steps should look like the following:

|-- edit-transformer
    |-- ...
|-- data
    |-- datasets
        |-- yelp
            |-- train.tsv
            |-- test.tsv
            |-- valid.tsv
            |-- free.txt

Once this structured is obtained, the docker image corresponding to this project environment can be built using the following commands:

cd edit-transformer
docker build --build-arg UNAME=$(whoami) --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) -t edit-transformer:0.0.2 .

The build-arg allows to use the current user inside the docker automatically avoiding root created content from inside the docker image.

Once the image is built, it is possible to access the environement in interactive mode using the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/code -v $(pwd)/../data:/data -e INTERACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT=True edit-transformer:0.0.2 /bin/bash

It will run a temporary bash terminal inside the container and mount the current folder in the /code folder of the container and the data folder in the /data folder of the container.


Before training the model the data downloaded must be briefly preprocessed using the edit_transformer/ script. This script format the data and filter insertions and deletions between the pair of sentences using the free.txt file if specified so in its config. The corresponding config file can be found in : configs/edit_transformer/preprocess.txt.

This preprocessing step can be directly ran using the following command:

docker run -d --rm -v $(pwd):/code -v $(pwd)/../data:/data -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 edit-transformer:0.0.2 python3.7 -u edit_transformer/

In case of error make sure everything is correct in the corresponding config file (configs/edit_transformer/preprocess.txt).

This will run the script in detached mode (in the background). Output will be found in the newly created logs folder inside the data folder.


Once the preprocessing step is finished, the model can be trained using the 3 generated files. The training script available in edit_transformer/ allows to train the "edit-transformer" using the config specified in configs/edit_transformer/edit_transformer.txt. Once again make sure everything is correct (espacially the paths) in this file before running the following command:

docker run -d --rm -v $(pwd):/code -v $(pwd)/../data:/data -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 edit-transformer:0.0.2 python3.7 -u edit_transformer/

This script generates a new folder for each run with a number in /data/training_runs. In this specific folder you will find the logs of the training run, its config, some output examples from the training and the tensorboard log events.


In order to use the model in generation mode, the configuration of a finished training run must be appropriately provided through the config file in configs/edit_transformer/generation.txt. In particular, all the model config key must be set appropriately in order for the generation script to find the output of your training run.

Once this is done an example generation script allows you to input a sentence and returns you 5 generated samples from the model. In order to run this script you can run the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/code -v $(pwd)/../data:/data -e INTERACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT=True edit-transformer:0.0.2 python3.7 edit_transformer/

Note that you can tune the time taken by the script to perform the beam search by reducing either q_limit the maximum node of beam search per sample or attempts the number of beam search to run with different edit vector sampled in the script config previously mentioned.

A generated output will look like the following:

Generation Output

where each generated sample corresponds to a single row and the first numbered column corresponds to the probability output of the model for the generated sequence and the second numbered column is the corresponding normalized score used in the beam search.


New model for generation of text based on the "Transformer" that learns sentence based edition.






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