This is just a simple repository of how to setup and install "Rendertron" (by Google).
To qoute their github page:
"Rendertron is designed to enable your Progressive Web App (PWA) to serve the correct content to any bot that doesn't render or execute JavaScript. Rendertron runs as a standalone HTTP server. Rendertron renders requested pages using Headless Chrome, auto-detecting when your PWA has completed loading and serializes the response back to the original request. To use Rendertron, your application configures middleware to determine whether to proxy a request to Rendertron. Rendertron is compatible with all client side technologies, including web components."
What this really means for Bug Bounty Hunters and Pentesters is a way to inline render/compile javascript with command line tools.
git clone
cd rendertron-install-for-dummies
chmod +x
- Create a droplet with the following specs ( This is all you really need, don't spend to much money.)
- 1 GB Memory
- 1 Intel vCPUs
- 25 GB Disk
- Ubuntu x64 (Other Linux distro's will work)
SSH into the instance and run apt update and upgrade
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
Make tools directory
mkdir tools
Install Google Chrome for x64 linux.
apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb -y
Install NPM
apt install npm -y
Install Rendertron
git clone
cd rendertron
npm install
npm run build
Run Rendertron
npm run start
Test Rendertron
curl http://<rendertron-server-ip>:3000/render/
Shutdown Rendertron
(Optional) If you want rendertron to start and stop automatically as a systemctl service do the following.
nano /etc/systemd/system/rendertron.service
[Unit] Description=Rendertron Server Daemon [Service] Type=simple User=root UMask=777 ExecStart=npm run start --prefix /root/tools/rendertron Restart=on-failure # Configures the time to wait before service is stopped forcefully. TimeoutStopSec=300 [Install]
systemctl enable rendertron
systemctl start rendertron