Course: High Performance Computing 2022/2023 Lecturer: Francesco Moscato
Group: Ferrara Grazia 0622701901 Franco Paolo 0622701993
Requirements of the assignment: Provide a parallell version of the Tarjan's algorithm to find Strongly Connected Components in a Graph. The implementation MUST use a message passing paradigm, and has to be implemented by using MPI. Students MUST store and load the input graph FROM FILES. The whole graph MUST be distributed on files on each node (i.e.: the whole graph cannot be stored on a single (even replicated) file). Good Graph dimensions are greater than 4GB of data. Students have to choose the proper data structure to represent the graph in memory.
Copyright (C) 2023 - All Rights Reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Project Assignment 2022/2023. If not, see
- GNU Make 4.3
- MPICH 4.0-3
- gcc 11.3.0
- pipenv
Extract all the files in a directoy and generate the executables with
You can run various tests by using
make test
(This can take some time depending on your system) -
To manually execute the program you can use the script file
. Execute./ -h
to see all the options to execute the program. The output of the command will be the following:" Executes the program on a given number of processes. If the [run serial] parameter is not inserted it will execute it as default
Usage: ./ [num of processes] ./ [num of processes] [run serial (0/1)] ./ -h -to print this help output ./ -t -to execute a series of tests "
To further customize the program's execution you have to modify the file
with your desired values and rebuild the whole project usingmake -B
You can customize compilation options and more by using specific make parameters. Try using
make help
to get a list of all the available options. The output of the command will be the following:" Builds all the binaries required to test the program Usage: make all -the default way to execute make, builds all the required files make test -runs various tests of the program make clean -cleans the working directory, deleting object files and eventual output files make cleanObj -cleans the working directory, deleting the object files make cleanBin -cleans the working directory, deleting the binary output files make cleanTxt -cleans the working directory, deleting the textual output files make optimizeX -builds all the required files allpying the specified level of optimization X=[1-3] make help -prints this output "
To make the measures run './'
To extract the measures in the Measure folder first run 'pipenv install' and then run 'pipenv run python Measures/'