v1.14.6 (2020-05-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature request: support of go protocol buffer v2 #1147
Fixed bugs:
- Bazel tests are flaky #968
Closed issues:
- Merging swagger specs (for multiple protos belonging to same package) fails to emit summary for some RPCs #1387
- Remove result/error envelope in streaming RPC response #1254
- cleanup: rename 'swagger' references to 'openapi' #675
- Swagger: JSON definitions aren't CamelCased #375
- Support emitting default values in JSON #233
Merged pull requests:
- Tidy up docs #1389 (johanbrandhorst)
- Fix various misspellings #1381 (bvwells)
- Remove usage of deprecated grpc.Errorf API #1380 (bvwells)
- Add missing documentation for openapiv2 proto definition #1375 (bvwells)
- deleted ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md file from _docs which was left by mistake #1368 (iamrajiv)
- added Pull Request Template for grpc-gateway #1366 (iamrajiv)
- Improve comments, fix indentation and add new line #1362 (amanjain97)
- Improve README.md #1361 (amanjain97)
- Fix typo in CONTRIBUTING.md #1360 (amanjain97)
- improved customizingyourgateway.md #1359 (iamrajiv)
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.14.3 (master) #1354 (renovate[bot])
- Globally ignore jekyll updates #1347 (johanbrandhorst)
- Further renovate tweaks #1345 (johanbrandhorst)
- Attempt to ignore golang/protobuf updates on master #1338 (johanbrandhorst)
- docs: add example customizing unmarshal options #1335 (srenatus)
- Renovate: run go mod tidy after updates #1323 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 09dca8e (master) #1321 (renovate[bot])
- fixed typo and grammar in docs/_docs/usage.md #1318 (iamrajiv)
- improved docs/_docs/season_of_docs.md #1317 (iamrajiv)
- Add bazel CI caching #1312 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update module antihax/optional to v1 (master) #1296 (renovate[bot])
- Update dependency com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools to v3 (master) #1295 (renovate[bot])
- Update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.29.1 (master) #1294 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.14.2 (master) #1292 (renovate[bot])
- Update dependency io_bazel_rules_go to v0.22.4 (master) #1288 (renovate[bot])
- Update dependency com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools to v0.29.0 (master) #1287 (renovate[bot])
- Update dependency bazel_gazelle to v0.20.0 (master) #1286 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 43844f6 (master) #1285 (renovate[bot])
- Move renovate.json back to root #1284 (johanbrandhorst)
- Configure Renovate to run on master and v2 #1281 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to bf48bf1 #1279 (renovate[bot])
- Add more instructions on the GitHub releases UI #1276 (achew22)
- Configure Renovate #1275 (renovate[bot])