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Releases: grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway


12 Aug 08:47
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The grpc-gateway v1 is in maintenance mode, you are encouraged to migrate to v2.

See #1223 for more information and check out our v2 migration guide.

v1.14.7 (2020-08-12)

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Fixed bugs:

  • Flaky Timeout test #1258

Closed issues:

  • CVE-2020-14001: Unintended read access in kramdown gem #1579
  • [v2] expose defaultHTTPErrorHandler (and perhaps defaultStreamErrorHandler) #1576
  • protoc-gen-swagger: Add prefix to all paths #1567
  • Generate Swagger description using proto comments. #1552
  • incorrect field mask generated for deeply nested struct #1549
  • connection error occurs if the grpc server restarts #1547
  • Log spam during attempt to append remote address to the XFF header when the transport is a unix domain socket #1538
  • Can not use evans cli or other grpc gui tool when using http annotations #1535
  • reverse gateway file not getting generated ( not getting generated no error just warning #1530
  • does this support grpc-node? #1525
  • With v2 we should be able to detect real NotFound responses from gRPC service NotFound responses #1513
  • runtime.MarshalerForRequest: Content-Type should have been parsed before querying mimeMap #1505
  • Invalid test cases for runtime.Marshaler #1501
  • Need help in enabling log in grpc-gateway application #1495
  • WithForwardResponseOption can't cast proto.Message when response_body is defined on the rpc method #1493
  • should it support jsonp? #1480
  • Any option to set per route middleware instead of using the global route/handler/mux middleware? #1473
  • How to JSON Transcode Protos With Naming Equal to Generated Typescript Repeated Fields #1465
  • Boolean type should not have a format (OAS) #1463
  • Performance implications of using the grpc-gateway for a REST API #1458
  • Trying to generate properties using the camelCase from underscores #1426
  • question: tensorflow serving #1425
  • Documentation: clarify RegisterXXXHandlerServer compromises #1398
  • errors when building with bazel #1392
  • Enums from other packages as path parameters is missing package name in front of enumValMap. #1203
  • Reference not imported properly #1190
  • Merging swagger specs fails to use rpc comments #664

Merged pull requests:

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10 Aug 10:20
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v2.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

v2.0.0-beta.4 (2020-08-10)

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Fixed bugs:

  • Flaky Timeout test #1258

Closed issues:

  • [v2] expose defaultHTTPErrorHandler (and perhaps defaultStreamErrorHandler) #1576
  • protoc-gen-swagger: Add prefix to all paths #1567
  • Generate Swagger description using proto comments. #1552
  • incorrect field mask generated for deeply nested struct #1549
  • connection error occurs if the grpc server restarts #1547
  • Log spam during attempt to append remote address to the XFF header when the transport is a unix domain socket #1538
  • Can not use evans cli or other grpc gui tool when using http annotations #1535
  • reverse gateway file not getting generated ( not getting generated no error just warning #1530
  • does this support grpc-node? #1525
  • With v2 we should be able to detect real NotFound responses from gRPC service NotFound responses #1513
  • runtime.MarshalerForRequest: Content-Type should have been parsed before querying mimeMap #1505
  • Invalid test cases for runtime.Marshaler #1501
  • Need help in enabling log in grpc-gateway application #1495
  • WithForwardResponseOption can't cast proto.Message when response_body is defined on the rpc method #1493
  • should it support jsonp? #1480
  • Any option to set per route middleware instead of using the global route/handler/mux middleware? #1473
  • How to JSON Transcode Protos With Naming Equal to Generated Typescript Repeated Fields #1465
  • Boolean type should not have a format (OAS) #1463
  • Performance implications of using the grpc-gateway for a REST API #1458
  • Trying to generate properties using the camelCase from underscores #1426
  • question: tensorflow serving #1425
  • Documentation: clarify RegisterXXXHandlerServer compromises #1398
  • errors when building with bazel #1392
  • Enums from other packages as path parameters is missing package name in front of enumValMap. #1203
  • Reference not imported properly #1190
  • Merging swagger specs fails to use rpc comments #664

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25 May 14:00
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v2.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

v2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-05-25)

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25 May 10:50
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v2.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This release marks the completion of all the must-haves for v2.0.0, as detailed in #1223. We still wait for a few external dependencies before we can seriously consider a stable v2 release, but at this point we invite users to try out v2 and give feedback on the changes.

If you are trying out v2, please consult the migration guide before raising issues.

v2.0.0-beta.1 (2020-05-25)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Feature request: support of go protocol buffer v2 #1147

Fixed bugs:

  • Bazel tests are flaky #968

Closed issues:

  • Merging swagger specs (for multiple protos belonging to same package) fails to emit summary for some RPCs #1387
  • Remove result/error envelope in streaming RPC response #1254
  • cleanup: rename 'swagger' references to 'openapi' #675
  • Swagger: JSON definitions aren't CamelCased #375
  • Support emitting default values in JSON #233

Merged pull requests:


25 May 10:51
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v1.14.6 (2020-05-25)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Feature request: support of go protocol buffer v2 #1147

Fixed bugs:

  • Bazel tests are flaky #968

Closed issues:

  • Merging swagger specs (for multiple protos belonging to same package) fails to emit summary for some RPCs #1387
  • Remove result/error envelope in streaming RPC response #1254
  • cleanup: rename 'swagger' references to 'openapi' #675
  • Swagger: JSON definitions aren't CamelCased #375
  • Support emitting default values in JSON #233

Merged pull requests:


08 May 17:53
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v1.14.5 (2020-05-07)

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Fixed bugs:

  • Regeneration commands don't regenerate all files #1229

Closed issues:

  • bug in protoc-gen-swagger with put method and field_mask #1271
  • How to change title and version in generated swagger json file #1269
  • Error when using oneof name in response body selector #1264
  • httpbody.proto has incorrect go_package #1263
  • How to implement field validation for optional parameter #1256
  • HTTP GET with query params error #1245
  • how to get customezing header #1244
  • proto function not define in yaml then grpc-gateway_out err #1233
  • ll #1232
  • Add WithUnmarshaler NewServeMux option. #1226
  • Feature request: Reject call if there are parameters/fields that don't exist in the protobuf #1210
  • Migrate away from using the protoc-gen-go/generator package #1209
  • Swagger doc generation got stuck for infinite time if a message refers itself. #1167
  • Remove "error" field from errors. #1098

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v2.0.0-alpha.2, the first alpha release of v2

18 Apr 23:17
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No functional changes


18 Apr 15:26
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Note that this release changes how we generate Swagger OperationIDs - please review #1193 and #662 for rationale. If you want to re-enable the old generation behaviour, use the flag simple_operation_ids=true like so:

$ protoc --swagger_out=simple_operation_ids=true:. my_service.proto

v1.14.4 (2020-04-18)

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Closed issues:

  • custom unmarshal response error #1211
  • api annotation placeholder character case #1207
  • response_body of http rule is ignored in case of server streaming #1202
  • Go gRPC Gateway - Type of one field in JSON is not same as in proto #1201
  • 1.14 breaks protoc-gen-go-json #1199
  • Use different field name in gateway #1197
  • No longer generate register...Server function in #1195
  • Support for source_relative argument #1180

Merged pull requests:


01 Apr 09:25
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Note that this release changes how we generate Swagger OperationIDs - please review #1193 and #662 for rationale. If this breaks your workflow, we'd like to know, please raise an issue.

v1.14.4-rc.1 (2020-04-01)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • proto-gen-* --version #649

Closed issues:

  • protoc-gen-swagger: json_names_for_fields=true does not respect json_name for *nested* path parameters #1187
  • protoc-gen-grpc-gateway-ts plugin for generating Typescript types #1182
  • protoc-gen-swagger: support outputting enum parameters as integers #1177
  • protoc-gen-grpc-gateway should warn or fail if a selector does not exist #1175
  • Enum string values not supported by grpc gateway #1171
  • Swagger definition is broken if there's no default error response set #1162
  • Using golang/protobuf v1.4.0-rc.3 locks up generators #1158

Merged pull requests:

  • Generate Swagger with Unique Operation IDs #1193 (dadgar)
  • Xin/support deep levels reserved json name #1191 (xin-au)
  • feat: add enumAsInts flag #1186 (rowe0x)
  • Use 8088 instead of 8080 in integration test. #1184 (drigz)
  • Limit Bazel memory usage in CI. #1183 (drigz)
  • fix version spelling #1181 (seriousben)
  • Emit error on HTTP rules without a matching selector and log warning on unbound methods #1178 (andrascz)
  • genswagger: don't emit default response if there's no Error definition #1166 (utrack)


11 Mar 09:47
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v1.14.3 (2020-03-11)

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Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Missing httprule breaks our module #1168