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Payment Microservice

I have tried to structure, my modules based on functionality not database entities. In this structure all entities are defined together and any module that required one or more entities would register them themselves and uses a data service to manipulate the data. I deliberately did not expose repositories to the logic service so that the interface between data and logic would be clearly defined.

Seeding the Database

The SeederModule is used to seed the database with initial data for testing purposes. The seeded categories and products are shown below. You can use yarn run seed command or set the AUTO_SEED environment variable to true to seed the database. (This is enabled by default)

You can add more seed commands to the SeederService's seed method located at src/database/seeders/seeder.service.ts.

                        |         |
                        |         |
         5% discount    d         g
                        |         | ----------------\
                        |         |                  -----------------
         20% discount   b         v                  default (product code: 0002)
                   +---------+    ---\             also has product 0001 as a child
                   |         |        -----\
                   |         |              -----\
                   c         e                    -----\
                           /-                           ---
                         /-                  default (product code: 0003)
                      /--                    the product has 17% discount
   default (product code: 0001)
 also has product 0002 as a child


The EnvModule is responsible for providing the whole application with the configurations via .env files or Environment Variables. This is a @Global module so there is no need to import it into any module that you want to use it. You can just inject EnvService and you are good to go. Every configuration via .env files or Environment Variables are supposed to go through EnvService and be accessible to other parts of the application as typed properties of this service.

You can also create .env.local file in the envs directory to override any default settings which are set in the .env.development file. .env.local is already ignored in the .gitignore file.

Authentication and Authorization

I assume that the user is authenticated by some method (not implemented). I use a mock user profile for development purposes. You can use the SHOULD_MOCK_USER environment variable to control this behavior. The MOCK_USER_ID and MOCK_USER_IS_ADMIN will be used to construct a mock user if SHOULD_MOCK_USER is set to true (default). The PoliciesGuard would use this mock user or will get the user from the request context based on these settings.

The PoliciesGuard is set as the global APP_GUARD and will prevent access to any controller missing the CheckPolicies decorator. This will greatly reduce accidental access to critical resources.

I have used @casl/ability module and created a factory, a guard, and a decorator so that we can control resource access. This way not only we can enforce roles but also policies. For example, we can define even a manager user can edit/delete a resource if some conditions are met. Current rules are defined in the CaslAbilityFactory located at src/auth/casl-ability.factory.ts.


You can access the swagger endpoint at /swagger.


The project is dockerized. So you run the project without docker by using yarn run start command or with docker-compose up command. Using docker-compose also brings up a separate MongoDB docker container so the application is completely isolated.

EndPoint Explained (/discount/product)

The endpoint would require you to at least provide the productCode. If you are using the AUTO_SEED option (default) then you can use 0001, 0002, or 0003 product codes. I have designed the data so that every product has a defaultCategory and a categories array. So each product can essentially have multiple categories.

If you only pass in the productCode then the defaultCategory of the product will be used if the product does not have a direct discount set.

Using the useAllCategories option: This will query the database for all the parent categories of the product using the categories property. Using the specificCategories option: This is an array, so you can select a subset of the categories that you want so that the discount would be calculated for these specific ones.

The service will prioritize the discount from the product itself even when useAllCategories is set to true.

Input validation is done using the class-validator npm module.

Querying the EndPoint (/discount/product)

Of course, you can use Swagger to test the endpoint. I will put this cURL command here just for convenience:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/discount/product?productCode=0002&specificCategories=e&specificCategories=v'


You can run tests by running yarn run test command.


I was hesitant to add multiple categories per product. If it was up to me I would not store the discount in product or category collections. Instead, I would define a new model for storing discount data and its conditions like duration, category, brand, provider, and so on.


Payment Microservice using NestJS






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