Have you ever j bweb
only to end up in the wrong project? Bummer, right? Well, when our matching fails, you can now (manually) fix it! You can use a 📌, when you need to.
jump pin bweb
will force j bweb
to always go to the current directory.
jump pin bweb /directory/path
will force j bweb
to always go to /directory/path
This release also fixes a regression in the deep jump search. What is deep jump search and why it isn't that well advertized you may ask? Very good question!
Deep Jump
Jump normalizes all search terms to the base names of the scored directories, because absolute paths are long and short terms can fuzzy match them easily.
Given the following filesystem structure:
|-- artwork
|-- interview
+-- website
+-- website
...to ensure a match of /Users/foo/Development/chaos/website
, you can do:
$ j ch/web
$ pwd
Nice, eh? No more guessing. The search is normalized only on the last two parts of the target path. This will ensure a better match, because of the shorter path to fuzzy match on. You can even add many separators, if this will help your search:
$ j dev/ch/web
$ pwd
The term above will match the last three directories of the path, yielding /Users/foo/Development/chaos/website
You are welcome, 🌍. Much ❤️ from Southeastern Europe!