git clone
cd NextStarter/
yarn install
yarn run dev
yarn run build
yarn start
Build Version Will Be In .next
* You can use npm instead of yarn (just write npm instead yarn). *
- actions (redux)
|-- actionCreators.js
|-- actionTypes.js
|-- index.js (interface)
- components (react)
|-- Header
|-- Header.js (component self)
|-- header.scss (component styles)
|-- index.js (interface)
|-- [Add Components here]
- flow-typed (flow for next configuration)
|-- next.js.flow
- hocs (High order components)
|-- with-redux-store.js
|-- [Add Hocs here]
- pages
|-- index (Home page)
|-- About (sample page for testing next-router)
|-- _app (Connects react to redux)
|-- _document (Here you can add meta tags. Also here is link with styles)
|-- [Add Pages here]
- reducers (redux)
|-- counterReducer.js (Sample reducer)
|-- headerReducer.js (Sample reducer)
|-- index.js (Interface)
|-- rootReducer (Combines reducers)
|-- [Add Reducers here]
- services (here you can work with api)
|-- index (Interface)
- store (redux)
|-- index (Interface)
|-- store
- styles (main styles)
|-- main.scss
|-- reset.scss (Reset default styles)
|-- ui_vars.scss (User Interface variables: colors, typography...)
- alias.js (here are stored all aliases)
- .babelrc (babel configuration)
- .eslintrc (eslint configuration)
- .flowconfig (flow configuration)
- next.config.js (Here is saved aliases. Also with this file NEXT.JS can read SASS files)
- router.js (here you can add your routes)
- server.js (server configuration)
- webpack.config.js (has only 1 reason, path intellisense inside text editor)