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Gustav Sterbrant edited this page Oct 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

Built-in contextual values

GPULang doesn't provide global variables for built-in values such as gl_Position, neither does it utilize HLSL style semantics to assign a built-in usage of a variable. Instead, GPULang provides a suite of functions that allows the user to read or write to the GPU state for such those built-in values.

GPULang reserves the prefix 'gpl' to be used by GPULang. User-made functions with the same prefix will trigger the compiler to emit an error.

Scalar types include:

i32, i32x2, i32x3, i32x4

f32, f32x2, f32x3, f32x4

u32, u32x2, u32x3, u32x4

literal means the value is compile time evaluated, and must therefore be a compile time resolvable value.

Name Function Compatible Shaders
gplSetOutputLayer(i32) void Sets the output layer for a multilayered framebuffer output Vertex/Geometry
gplGetOutputLayer() i32 Retrieves the output layer Vertex/Geometry
gplSetOutputViewport(i32) void Sets the viewport for framebuffer outputs Vertex/ Geometry
gplExportVertexCoordinates(f32x4) void Exports the vertex position for rasterization Vertex/Hull/Domain/Geometry/Mesh
gplGetVertexIndex() i32 Gets the index for the vertex being invoked Vertex
gplGetInstanceIndex() i32 Gets the instance index Vertex
gplGetBaseVertexIndex() i32 Gets the base vertex index Vertex
gplGetBaseInstanceIndex() i32 Gets the base instance index Vertex
gplGetDrawIndex() i32 Gets the draw index Vertex
gplGetPixelCoordinates() f32x4 Gets the clip space pixel coordinates. The XY coordinates describe the absolute pixel index and the Z coordinate a normalized depth value [0..1] between the near and far plane. Pixel
gplExportColor(scalar, literal i32) void Exports a color value to the designated output target Pixel
gplSetPixelDepth(f32) void Explicitly sets the pixel depth. Using this function triggers the compiler to emit an error if early_depth is being used for the entry point invoking the function Pixel
gplGetLocalInvocationIndex() i32x3 Get the work group invocation index (xyz) of the current invocation Compute
gplGetGlobalInvocationIndex() i32x3 Get the dispatch invocation index (xyz) of the current invocation Compute
gplGetWorkGroupIndex() i32x3 Get the work group index (xyz) of the current invocation Compute
gplGetWorkGroupDimensions() i32x3 Get the size of the work group (xyz) Compute
gplGetSubgroupId() i32 Get the Subgroup id of the current invocation Compute
gplGetSubgroupSize() i32 Get the size of the subgroup Compute
gplGetNumSubgroups() i32 Get the number of subgroups in the current invocation Compute
gplGetSubgroupLocalInvocationMask() u32x4 Get an execution mask (128 bit) with only this invocation set to 1 Compute
gplGetSubgroupLocalInvocationAndLowerMask() u32x4 Get an execution mask (128 bit) with this invocation and any lower invocation set to 1 Compute
gplGetSubgroupLowerMask() u32x4 Get an execution mask (128 bit) with all lower invocations set to 1 Compute
gplGetSubgroupLocalInvocationAndGreaterMask() u32x4 Get an execution mask (128 bit) with this invocation and any greater invocation set to 1 Compute
gplGetSubgroupGreaterMask() u32x4 Get an execution mask (128 bit) with all greater invocations set to 1 Compute

In addition to the functions above, there is also a globally defined constant value which is set to true based on the type of shader that is being compiled. This value is fetched using gplIsXShader where X is any value from the below list:

  • Vertex
  • Hull
  • Domain
  • Geometry
  • Pixel
  • Compute
  • Task
  • Mesh
  • RayGeneration
  • RayClosestHit
  • RayAnyHit
  • RayMiss
  • RayIntersection
  • RayCallable


    in UV : f32x2
) void
    var color = textureSample(Albedo, Sampler, UV);
    if (gplIsPixelShader)
        gplExportColor(color, i32(Framebuffer.Color));
    else if (gplIsComputeShader)
        textureStore(OutputImage, gplGetPixelCoordinates().xy, color);

Normally, gplExportColor would only be allowed in a Pixel shader, so the above code would provoke a compilation issue. However, GPULang checks for shader specific functions with dead code eliminated, and employs the same dead code elimination for code gen.

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