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Basic Compiling (MOH:AA)

Anton edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Basic Compiling :: Surgeon

Every map you create with MOHRadiant or any other editor needs to be compiled first before you can play it in game. There are two main ways of compiling a map. One method is to use a "front end compile tool", such as MBuilder. The other is to compile a map directly from a command line. This tutorial covers the first method. The more Advanced Compiling tutorial covers the second method.

Configuring MBuilder

Once you have downloaded MBuilder, open it up. You should see the image below before you.

We need to setup the Game Directory, Compiler Directory and Map Source Directory so that the program knows where your maps are and, once compiled, where they need to go.

Game Directory This should point to the directory where the mohaa.exe is located.
Compiler Directory This is the directory where q3map.exe and mohlight.exe are located. This should be the directory that you installed MoH Radiant in.
Map Source Directory This is the directory where you save your maps to. If you have followed my previous tutorials it should be mohaa/main/maps.

Once you have done all that, hit the refresh button and you should see a list of your maps in the right hand window.

Compiling with MBuilder

Once you have set MBuilder up, it is very easy to compile one of your maps. You simply select a map from the list and hit the Build Map! button.

A Dos window will appear with some text. This is the compiler working and relaying information to you. The compiler has 3 stages; BSP, Vis and Light. After each stage the compile process will pause for you to check for errors. Pressing the spacebar will start the next stage. After all 3 stages are complete MoHAA should start and eventually your map will be loaded.

Note : If you do not wish the compiler to pause after each stage, simple go to "Other Options" and deselect the 3 "Pause after" boxes.

This is a really basic compiling tutorial. Jv_map has written a far more detailed Advanced Compiling tutorial, in which he explains a lot of other options you can use.



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