A Python wrapper around AHK.
pip install ahk
Requires Python 3.6+
See also Non-Python dependencies
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.mouse_move(x=100, y=100, blocking=True) # Blocks until mouse finishes moving (the default)
ahk.mouse_move(x=150, y=150, speed=10, blocking=True) # Moves the mouse to x, y taking 'speed' seconds to move
print(ahk.mouse_position) # (150, 150)
Non-exhaustive examples of some of the functions available with this package. Full documentation coming soon!
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.mouse_position # Returns a tuple of mouse coordinates (x, y)
ahk.mouse_move(100, 100, speed=10, relative=True) # Moves the mouse reletave to the current position
ahk.mouse_position = (100, 100) # Moves the mouse instantly to absolute screen position
ahk.click() # Click the primary mouse button
ahk.double_click() # Clicks the primary mouse button twice
ahk.click(200, 200) # Moves the mouse to a particular position and clicks
ahk.right_click() # Clicks the secondary mouse button
ahk.mouse_drag(100, 100, relative=True) # Holds down primary button and moves the mouse
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.type('hello, world!') # Send keys, as if typed (performs ahk string escapes)
ahk.send_input('Hello`, World{!}') # Like AHK SendInput, must escape strings yourself!
ahk.key_state('Control') # Return True or False based on whether Control key is pressed down
ahk.key_state('CapsLock', mode='T') # Check toggle state of a key (like for NumLock, CapsLock, etc)
ahk.key_press('a') # Press and release a key
ahk.key_down('Control') # Press down (but do not release) Control key
ahk.key_up('Control') # Release the key
ahk.key_wait('a', timeout=3) # Wait up to 3 seconds for the "a" key to be pressed. NOTE: This throws
# a TimeoutError if the key isn't pressed within the timeout window
You can do stuff with windows, too.
Getting windows
from ahk import AHK
from ahk.window import Window
ahk = AHK()
win = ahk.active_window # Get the active window
win = ahk.win_get(title='Untitled - Notepad') # by title
win = list(ahk.windows()) # list of all windows
win = Window(ahk, ahk_id='0xabc123') # by ahk_id
win = Window.from_mouse_position(ahk) # the window under the mouse cursor
win = Window.from_pid('20366') # by process ID
Working with windows
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.run_script('Run Notepad') # Open notepad
win = ahk.find_window(title=b'Untitled - Notepad') # Find the opened window
win.send('hello') # Send keys directly to the window (does not need focus!)
win.move(x=200, y=300, width=500, height=800)
win.activate() # Give the window focus
win.disable() # Make the window non-interactable
win.enable() # Enable it again
win.to_top() # Move the window on top of other windows
win.to_bottom() # Move the window to the bottom of the other windows
win.always_on_top = True # Make the window always on top
win.close() # Close the window
for window in ahk.windows():
# Some more attributes
print(window.rect) # (x, y, width, height)
print(window.id) # ahk_id
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.image_search('C:\\path\\to\\image.jpg') # Find an image on screen
# Find an image within a boundary on screen
ahk.image_search('C:\\path\\to\\image.jpg', upper_bound=(100, 100), # upper-left corner of search area
lower_bound=(400, 400)) # lower-right corner of search area
ahk.pixel_get_color(100, 100) # Get color of pixel located at coords (100, 100)
ahk.pixel_search('0x9d6346') # Get coords of the first pixel with specified color
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.sound_play('C:\\path\\to\\sound.wav') # Play an audio file
ahk.sound_beep(frequency=440, duration=1000) # Play a beep for 1 second (duration in microseconds)
ahk.get_volume(device_number=1) # Get volume of a device
ahk.set_volume(50, device_number=1) # Set volume of a device
ahk.sound_get(device_number=1, component_type='MASTER', control_type='VOLUME') # Get sound device property
ahk.sound_set(50, device_number=1, component_type='MASTER', control_type='VOLUME') # Set sound device property
For some functions, you can also opt for a non-blocking interface, so you can do other stuff while AHK scripts run.
import time
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk.mouse_position = (200, 200) # Moves the mouse instantly to the start position
start = time.time()
ahk.mouse_move(x=100, y=100, speed=30, blocking=False)
while True: # report mouse position while it moves
t = round(time.time() - start, 4)
position = ahk.mouse_position
print(t, position)
if position == (100, 100):
You should see an output something like
0.032 (187, 187)
0.094 (173, 173)
0.137 (164, 164)
0.788 (100, 103)
0.831 (100, 101)
0.873 (100, 100)
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK()
ahk_script = 'Run Notepad'
ahk.run_script(ahk_script, blocking=False)
If you're writing your own ahk scripts to use with this library, you can use FileAppend
with the *
parameter to get data from your ahk script into Python.
Suppose you have a script like so
data := "Hello Data!"
FileAppend, %data%, * ; send data var to stdout
result = ahk.run_script(my_script)
print(result) # Hello Data!
If your autohotkey returns something that can't be decoded, add the keyword argument decode=False
in which case you'll get back a CompletedProcess
object where stdout (and stderr) will be bytes and you can handle it however you choose.
result = ahk.run_script(my_script, decode=False)
print(result.stdout) # b'Hello Data!'
Experimental features are things that are minimally functional, (even more) likely to have breaking changes, even for minor releases.
Github issues are provided for convenience to collect feedback on these features.
Hotkeys now have a primitive implementation. You give it a hotkey (a string the same as in an ahk script, without the ::
and the body of an AHK script to execute as a response to the hotkey.
from ahk import AHK, Hotkey
ahk = AHK()
key_combo = '#n' # Define an AutoHotkey key combonation
script = 'Run Notepad' # Define an ahk script
hotkey = Hotkey(ahk, key_combo, script) # Create Hotkey
hotkey.start() # Start listening for hotkey
At this point, the hotkey is active.
If you press + n, the script
Run Notepad
will execute.
There is no need to add return
to the provided script, as it is provided by the template.
To stop the hotkey call the stop()
See also the relevant AHK documentation
s let you define a set of actions to be performed in order at a later time.
They work just like the AHK
class, except the actions are deferred until the perform
method is called.
An additional method sleep
is provided to allow for waiting between actions.
from ahk import ActionChain
ac = ActionChain()
# An Action Chain doesn't perform the actions until perform() is called on the chain
ac.mouse_move(100, 100, speed=10) # nothing yet
ac.sleep(1) # still nothing happening
ac.mouse_move(500, 500, speed=10) # not yet
ac.perform() # *now* each of the actions run in order
Just like anywhere else, scripts running simultaneously may conflict with one another, so using blocking interfaces is
generally recommended. Currently, there is limited support for interacting with windows in actionchains, you may want to use win_set
Right now, these are implemented by iterating over all window handles and filtering with Python.
They may be optimized in the future.
returns a generator filtering results based on attributes provided as keyword arguments.
is similar, but returns the first matching window instead of all matching windows.
There are couple convenience functions, but not sure if these will stay around or maybe we'll add more, depending on feedback.
- find_windows_by_title
- find_window_by_title
- find_windows_by_text
- find_window_by_text
You can enable debug logging, which will output script text before execution, and some other potentially useful debugging information.
import logging
(See the logging module documentation for more information)
Also note that, for now, errors with running AHK scripts will often pass silently. In the future, better error handling will be added.
To use this package, you need the AutoHotkey executable.
It's expected to be on PATH by default. You can also use the AHK_PATH
environment variable to specify the executable location.
Alternatively, you may provide the path in code
from ahk import AHK
ahk = AHK(executable_path='C:\\path\\to\\AutoHotkey.exe')
All contributions are welcomed and appreciated.
Please feel free to open a GitHub issue or PR for feedback, ideas, feature requests or questions.
There's still some work to be done in the way of implementation. The ideal interfaces are still yet to be determined and your help would be invaluable.
The vision is to provide access to the most useful features of the AutoHotkey API in a Pythonic way.
These are some similar projects that are commonly used for automation with Python.