This rep is not supported anymore. If you overcome the capcha security please inform me
This project is non-profit application in order to help Bilkent University students during course registration.
Python version: 3.4 .
Fell free to contribute or fork.
1)You should have pyglet package to hear the sound.
pip3.4 install pyglet
2)Move a wav file named siren.wav to same directory with python file.
Enter your course depertment and sections and just wait for a siren. You can add more than one spider. But using one spider for only one depertment is recommended.
1 for add new course
2 for check existing situation
3 for exit
Enter Number:1
Please enter dept name, for example HUM: HIST
Please enter course name with sections comma-separeted
Example Inputs:
*200-21,111-20 //
*200-9 //(only for one section)
*200 //(for all HIST - 200 sections)
Do not decrease sleep time. It can cause problems on Bilkent University servers.
Feel free to contact with me for any problems: