Catapult is a web framework for Igropyr
easy to write the router
("/" index)
("/index" index)
("/users" users)
("/notes" notes)
("/blog/*/en" blogEN)
("/articles/*" article)
("/*" handle404))
easy to define responses
(define index
(lambda (header path query)
(res "hello world")))
(define index
(lambda (header path query)
(res 200 "hello world")))
(define index
(lambda (header path query)
(res "text/html" "<h1>hello world</h1>")))
(define index
(lambda (header path query)
(res 200 "text/html" "<h1>hello world</h1>")))
(res string) => response content only
(res int string) => response status and content
(res string string) => response style and content
(res int string string) => response status, style and content
Igropyr is an async http-server for Chez Scheme
Catapult's sister framework: Ballista (Express-style)