- Write a script that receives a Gitlab group (e.g. gitlab-org) as a mandatory parameter.
- The script should extract the following information:
- All projects in the group
- All users in the group
- User per project
- The script should store all the above information.
- You can use Gitlab’s API (either Graphql or REST) or an external Gitlab client.
Clone This Project (Make Sure You Have Git Installed)
The following command creates a new virtual environment named venv in the current directory:
python -m venv env
Activate virtual environment:
(Mac/Linux) $ source env/bin/activate
(Windows) $ source env/Scripts/activate
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running the script to collect the data from GitLab
python getGitlabGroups.py
Executing the script in terminal, it will ask to add a GitLab Group as parameter (eg. gitlab-org)
After the exection is finishted, in the same directory will be places three CSV with the required data.