This project is the same as, but uses different tools:
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
In addition:
- Added test coverage (solidity-coverage)
- Eth gas reporter with price in usd (via coinmarket cap api)
- Added Etherscan contract verification when deploying
- Using mock functionnality from waffle in tests
- Added solhint
- Change the deployment config with the use of hardhat-deploy plugin, so it is easier to deploy on multiple chains
- Added Mumbai deployment config
- Added staging test + separateed into sub directories unit tests and staging test
- Node 16
- Yarn
- Hardhat
cd ./hardhat
yarn install
Create an .env file with the following
GOERLI_URL_RPC= // or any other rpc provider
MUMBAI_RPC_URL= // or any other rpc provider
PRIVATE_KEY=your-private-key // Used during deploy
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=your-etherscan-key // Used during deploy for smart contract verification in etherscan
POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY=your-etherscan-key // Used during deploy for smart contract verification in polygonscan
REPORT_GAS=true // To get a gas report when executing tests
COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY=your-coinmarketcap-api-key // To get the smart contracts deployment and methods cost in usd when executing the tests
yarn hardhat compile
yarn hardhat deploy --network networkName
yarn hardhat test
yarn hardhat coverage