basic "memory game"
The equipment required for this project was:
- 4 LEDs (red, yellow, green and blue)
- Arduino Nano every
- OLED I2C Display 128x64 SSD1306
- 4 buttons with coloreds caps (red, yellow, green and blue) ; with the internal pulling resistors of the arduino
- 3 resistors 220Ω (for the red, green, yellow leds)
- 1 resistor 10kΩ (for the blue led)
- 20-30 cables
- 1 power cable
- 1 piezzo buzzer
- Power source
pin 2 : buzzer pin
pin 4 : blue led pin
pin 5 : yellow led pin
pin 6 : green led pin
pin 7 : red led pin
pin 8 : blue button pin
pin 9 : yellow button pin
pin 10 : green button pin
pin 11 : red button pin
pin A4 : SDA Oled screen
pin A5 : SCL Oled screen