This project demonstrates the implementation of various Gang of Four (GoF) Design Patterns in TypeScript. Design Patterns are common solutions to software design challenges. They promote code reuse, maintainability, and scalability.
The project includes the implementation of the following Design Patterns:
- Singleton Pattern
- Factory Method Pattern
- Abstract Factory Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
- Builder Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Bridge Pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Decorator Pattern
- Facade Pattern
- Flyweight Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
- Chain of Responsibility Pattern
- Command Pattern
- Interpreter Pattern
- Iterator Pattern
- Mediator Pattern
- Memento Pattern
- Observer Pattern
- State Pattern
- Strategy Pattern
- Template Method Pattern
- Visitor Pattern
Feel free to explore the source code in each pattern's respective folder to understand the implementation details.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project by adding more design pattern implementations, improving documentation, or fixing bugs, please open an issue or submit a pull request.