ToToday is a single-page app created to help you with your daily tasks in a more simple but organized way, so you don't get lost or forget what to do in the day and can focus on the tasks themselves.
The app is created with Vue and the Nuxt.js framework, being a PWA, it works mostly on the frontend side, using the browser's local storage to keep the task list storage. The color palette used is the CuppCat theme, based on the Catppuccin theme, icons provided by Iconoir.
Even already being published and on the 1.0.0, it's still in development and will be more polished and have more features and functionalities. You can see all the planned things for future updates on the projects tab.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# server with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build:start
For a detailed explanation of Nuxt.js, check the documentation.