This repo is dedicated to various experiments and research with the data of 'House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques' competition (
- data folder contains the replica of the data published in Kaggle (
- Advanced House Prediction - Feature Selection Comparison.ipynb - a notebook with code for a comprehensive case study on Feature Selection and Random Forest Model performance for various feature selection options
- Advanced House Prediction - Feature Selection Comparison-LR.ipynb - a notebook with code for a comprehensive case study on Feature Selection and Linear Regression Model performance for various feature selection options
- Advanced House Prediction - Feature Selection Comparison-ElasticNet.ipynb - a notebook with code for a comprehensive case study on Feature Selection and ElasticNet Model performance for various feature selection options
- Advanced House Prediction - RF Grid Search Experiments.ipynb - a notebook with the grid search experiment for RF model
- Advanced House Prediction - Basic FE.ipynb - a basic template notebook with the feature engineering flow (to be used a starting point for the majority of experiments)