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How to build H2O from scratch on a Mac

Arno Candel edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 3 revisions

By following the steps below, you should be able to build and run H2O on your Mac.

Note: This should work on a reasonably modern OS X (10.6 and up), but was only tested on OS X 10.9

  1. Install Xcode via the Apple store

  2. Download and install Java 1.7 from

  3. Download and install R from

  4. Optional: Install sphinx (for documentation)

sudo easy_install sphinx
sudo easy_install sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
  1. Optional: Download and install LaTex from

  2. Get H2O from github git clone

  3. Build H2O cd h2o && make

  4. Start H2O (optional: add "-name mycluster" and issue the following command multiple times for a virtual cluster) java -jar target/h2o.jar

  5. Open up the H2O UI by pointing your browser to http://localhost:54321

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