This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
If you are interested in collaborating, please check out the VideoDownloader trello board: Trello Board
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this project. If not, see
If Windows SmartScreen blocks the program, press "More information" and then "Run anyway".
This program coded in Python 3 allows the user to insert the URL of a video from and create an mp4 file and an m4a file (video and audio).
*The mp4 file will only have both video and audio if the "Use ffmpeg" switch is toggled and FFmpeg is installed.
All libraries used are in the 'requirements.txt' file.
The user must have FFmpeg ( installed if they want to use the "Combine into a single file" feature. FFmpeg isn't needed for the rest of the program.
Run the setup guided installer. There will be a portable version in the future.
Choose your .zip file depending on your Mac's chip architecture. x86_64 for Intel chips, ARM for M1, M2... Run the .app file and you are done.
Run the executable file and you are done. Some text and rendering may look strange, this is due to some CustomTkinter rendering issues on Linux.
Warning: The Wayland compositor could have issues rendering GUI apps in Python. Using X11 is recommended, but if Wayland is your only option, go ahead and try it.
Download the source code. Create a virtual environment (not necessary, but recommended):
python3 -m venv <your environment name here>
Activate the virtual environment:
& <environment name>/Scripts/activate.ps1
MacOS and Linux:
source <environment name>/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the file:
If there are any errors, please open a discussion here: ( Enter the steps to reproduce the error, what you were doing before you received the error and try to provide screenshots and your code.
If you would like to send me feedback on the code, please email me at the following email address: ( or start a discussion. All help is appreciated!