Simple script to send the content of the Themenliste (topic list) for the next Overhead to our mailing list.
Copy data/config.example.ini
to config.ini
and change the content.
usage: overhead_mailer [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--dry-run] [--date DATE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
path to config (default: config.ini)
--dry-run don't send a mail, just print it's content
--date DATE use given date (format %Y-%m-%d) instead of calculated
The Overhead Mailer is also usable as a NixOS module. Modify your
as follows:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
# ...
services.overhead-mailer = {
enable = true;
configFile = /path/to/the/config.ini;
interval = "Thu *-*-* 04:20:00";