ODO 101
A short summary of the most important commands to
create a new application using a template/starter project
push into a cluster, which builds, package and deploy the current version into a cluster
watch any changes and deploy them
delete the app
$ odo catalog list components Odo Devfile Components: NAME DESCRIPTION REGISTRY java-maven Upstream Maven and OpenJDK 11 DefaultDevfileRegistry java-openliberty Open Liberty microservice in Java DefaultDevfileRegistry java-quarkus Upstream Quarkus with Java+GraalVM DefaultDevfileRegistry java-springboot Spring Boot® using Java DefaultDevfileRegistry java-vertx Upstream Vert.x using Java DefaultDevfileRegistry nodejs Stack with NodeJS 12 DefaultDevfileRegistry python Python Stack with Python 3.7 DefaultDevfileRegistry python-django Python3.7 with Django DefaultDevfileRegistry Odo OpenShift Components: NAME PROJECT TAGS SUPPORTED java openshift 11,8,latest YES nodejs openshift 10,12,latest YES dotnet openshift 2.1,3.1,latest NO golang openshift 1.11.5,latest NO httpd openshift 2.4,latest NO nginx openshift 1.10,1.14,1.16,latest NO perl openshift 5.26,latest NO php openshift 7.2,7.3,latest NO python openshift 2.7,3.6,latest NO ruby openshift 2.4,2.5,2.6,latest NO $ odo create nodejs odo-nodejs --starter Validation ✓ Checking devfile existence [60253ns] ✓ Creating a devfile component from registry: DefaultDevfileRegistry [152074ns] ✓ Validating devfile component [66847ns] Starter Project ✓ Downloading starter project nodejs-starter from https://github.com/odo-devfiles/nodejs-ex.git [3s] Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed
$ odo push Validation ✓ Validating the devfile [1ms] Creating Kubernetes resources for component odo-nodejs ✓ Waiting for component to start [54s] Applying URL changes ✓ URL http-3000: http://http-3000-odo-nodejs-demo-odo.apps.cluster-c78c.sandbox1243.opentlc.com/ created Syncing to component odo-nodejs ✓ Checking files for pushing [6ms] ✓ Syncing files to the component [1s] Executing devfile commands for component odo-nodejs ✓ Executing install command "npm install" [3s] ✓ Executing run command "npm start" [1s] Pushing devfile component odo-nodejs ✓ Changes successfully pushed to component $ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE odo-nodejs-79d847f496-g2qh5 1/1 Running 0 89s $ oc get routes NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARD http-3000-odo-nodejs http-3000-odo-nodejs-demo-odo.apps.cluster-c78c.sandbox1243.opentlc.com / odo-nodejs 3000 None $ odo url list Found the following URLs for component odo-nodejs NAME STATE URL PORT SECURE KIND http-3000 Pushed http://http-3000-odo-nodejs-demo-odo.apps.cluster-c78c.sandbox1243.opentlc.com 3000 false route
$ odo watch Waiting for something to change in /Users/haddouti/repos/haf-tech/k101-odo/src $ vi src/server.js File /Users/haddouti/repos/haf-tech/k101-odo/src/server.js changed Pushing files... Validation ✓ Validating the devfile [66844ns] Creating Kubernetes resources for component odo-nodejs ✓ Waiting for component to start [51ms] Applying URL changes ✓ URLs are synced with the cluster, no changes are required. Syncing to component odo-nodejs ✓ Syncing files to the component [649ms] Executing devfile commands for component odo-nodejs ✓ Executing install command "npm install" [2s] ✓ Executing run command "npm start" [1s] Waiting for something to change in /Users/haddouti/repos/haf-tech/k101-odo/src
$ odo log ...log from running pod $ odo exec -- env ...exec command (here: env) in the pod
$ odo app list The project 'demo-odo' has the following applications: NAME app $ odo app delete app This application has following components that will be deleted component named odo-nodejs This component has following urls that will be deleted with component URL named http-3000 with host http-3000-odo-nodejs-demo-odo.apps.cluster-c78c.sandbox1243.opentlc.com having protocol http at port 3000 No services / could not get services ? Are you sure you want to delete the application: app from project: demo-odo Yes Deleted application: app from project: demo-odo
$ mkdir src2 && cd src2 $ odo create nodejs odo-nodejs2 --app app2 --starter Validation ✓ Checking devfile existence [38188ns] ✓ Creating a devfile component from registry: DefaultDevfileRegistry [517926ns] ✓ Validating devfile component [84642ns] Starter Project ✓ Downloading starter project nodejs-starter from https://github.com/odo-devfiles/nodejs-ex.git [845ms] Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed $ odo push Validation ✓ Validating the devfile [91256ns] Creating Kubernetes resources for component odo-nodejs2 ✓ Waiting for component to start [5s] Applying URL changes ✓ URL http-3000: http://http-3000-odo-nodejs2-demo-odo.apps.cluster-c78c.sandbox1243.opentlc.com/ created Syncing to component odo-nodejs2 ✓ Checking files for pushing [1ms] ✓ Syncing files to the component [640ms] Executing devfile commands for component odo-nodejs2 ✓ Executing install command "npm install" [2s] ✓ Executing run command "npm start" [1s] Pushing devfile component odo-nodejs2 ✓ Changes successfully pushed to component $ odo app list The project 'demo-odo' has the following applications: NAME app app2
ODO is a very helpful tool for support developer in creating and deploying cloud-native applications into a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. Even ODO is from Red Hat is the target to support Kubernetes and OpenShift, so no restriction on OpenShift only.
Also to note, odo
will not replace oc
which covers much more use cases and operation activities, which are not in the this developer centric cli.
With the integration of devfiles v2 we have here a powerful base which can be used in different tools/ecosystems (Che, CodeReady Workspaces).
odo GitHub - https://github.com/openshift/odo
odo docu - https://odo.dev/docs/installing-odo/
odo dev registry - https://github.com/odo-devfiles/registry
This article is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.
See also Apache License FAQ .