Hi! I majored in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology and apart from all things Physics, I have a passion for poetry and literature. In the era of intricate software, I love creating simple and minimal code. Where the world sees disorder, I see Physics at work and enjoy solving its mysteries.
- PaTriC - Particle Tracker in C++: A custom charged particle tracking code written C++, developed as part of my work at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
- Fractal Generation: A collection of interesting algorithms I have and will come across over time related to generating fractal patterns.
- Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm: An implementation of the Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm for cluster labelling in one-dimensional and two-dimensional matrices.
- Numerical Root Finding: A collection of Python scripts for various root finding algorithms.
- Direct To Chat: A minimal Android Application written in Kotlin that allows sending WhatsApp messages to unsaved contacts directly.
- hafizmdyasir.github.io: My personal profile page hosted via GitHub Pages.
- Book of Interesting Physics: A fork of collegefishies's interesting-physics repository, to which, I am attempting to contribute various intriguing problems, paradoxes, and their solutions.
- Alliterations: A collection of thrity poems penned over the course of a month and published in response to the January Journal challenge.